
I wish- rehearsal 1

This rehearsal went fairly well for a first rehearsal even though we needed a lot of help from Nic. We managed to get almost all the way through the song, we just need to add the ending on. I feel I did good at this, I learnt the guitar part quite fast however sometimes i came out of time, especially with the stabs.

I feels as a whole band we have a lot to improve on, Robert (the singer) needs to work on learning the lyrics and also being more confident with the song. He sounds good but because he thinks he sounds bad, it makes it obvious that he’s uncomfortable since his singing isn’t as good. Also, the bassist, Ethan still needs to learn the bass part for the bridge section.

There’s a lot to be improved however it will start sounding better as we all learn our parts properly. I think for a first rehearsal it sounds quite good, we got the groove and feel of the song quite fast.

I wish- rehearsal 3 (take 1)

This rehearsal went worse than the last and we still hadn’t gotten the ending. I think I did alright in this rehearsal, I had a better feel of the groove and I stayed in time a lot better. There were quite a few mistakes made by the band as whole though.

The key’s both clashed, I feel like, I think the key players were slightly out of time with each other and they were playing their parts slightly wrong. The drumming also fell out of time a lot, and the tempo was all over the place. Robert has learnt some more of his lyrics however still needs to work on his confidence with his singing. Since he feels like the only part he cant sing is the chorus, we are going to get another singer (Lainnie) to sing it with him so he can sing it an octave higher.

To improve I will carry on listening to the song and practicing my parts, playing with the song itself. As band we just need to focus on the tempo and staying in time with each other since there are a lot of parts to the song that are all slightly different.

I wish- rehearsal 3 (take 2)

This rehearsal was much better from the last. We finally managed to get all the way through the song, still with a few major mistakes. The biggest mistake that keeps been made is when we transition from the chorus to the bridge section, as people were unsure as to what to do. We also messed up switching between the chorus and only vocalist and drummer section, it was a very messy transition.

The end bit was quite messy as Luke (on keys) wasn’t here for the lesson where we learn the end part so he messed up, after he figured the rhythm out though, it sounded much better. Ollie (on the drums) does need to work on his drum solo though.

I feel like I have got the song down and all I need to do is keep practicing it.

Aeroplane- rehearsal 3

This was our first rehearsal of Aeroplane, I feel it went fairly well. The tempo was all over the place, which is something that Ollie needs to work on as well as the drumming itself. The singing could definitely have a lot more feel in it, at the moment is sounds quite dull and dead. The intro of the song dragged as the tempo was not right, so that is something we need to work on. Apart from that we managed to get all the way through the song in one rehearsal and it doesnt sound too bad.

As a whole group i feel like we need to work on getting into the feel of the song, at the moment it sounds and feels very dull and no enthusiasm and its making the song not sound good at all.

For me personally i just need to practice the song and listen to it. I also need to learn the wah parts, which is hard at the moment as i don’t have a wah pedal to practice with, but i will learn the parts so when i do have one i can practice it. I also need to learn the solo, i managed to learn some of it but had to improvise the rest and i feel it could have sounded a lot better.

All we need to do to improve is practice it more and have more feel for it.

I wish (solo practice)

My solo practice for this song wasn’t too bad but definitely could be better. I think i mostly need to work on the tone of the guitar itself as it seems extremally trebly compared to how the guitar in the song is. I also need to work on the timing as i came out of time with the song quite often. To get better i will focus on getting the right tone and experimenting with my amp to see what works as well as listening to song to see what needs to be different, I will also practice a lot more to the song so that I keep the timings up as i think the quicker tempo as to what I’m used practicing with the band is what threw me off, so I will practice to the track to get used to the tempo.

Apart from that i feel like i did a fairly good job at keeping up the groove of the song as well as getting all of the stabs in. I definitely noticed that playing to the track and not with a band is a lot more boring and so i feel that it made me less enjoy playing the song by myself. I think i just need to work on having more feel and actually perform the song instead of just playing it, which i will work on.

Aeroplane (solo practice)

This was my first time using a wah pedal in any song and so it was very different and weird to use, however i feel i got the hang of it fairly quickly. The intro to this song was fairly bad when i played it this time as i played the second chords out of time, plus it just didn’t sound as smooth as it does in the actual song. All i need to do to get better at that is by practicing it more and being more confident with the chords as they are quite tricky chords. I also didn’t do a great job switching between wah sections and none-wah sections, this is due to the fact i have never really used a wah pedal before and so i was still getting used to it. I will focus on using the wah pedal more so that i can use it better so the transitions between sections are a lot smoother and less out of time.

The solo at the end i did was extremely bad as well, i didn’t do a good job at it this time. It was extremely basic and all of the bends didn’t hit the right pitch, it was also really badly timed and i played a few wrong notes which made it sound awful. This is because i haven’t improvised in quite a while and its never really been my strong strength when guitaring, i also don’t particularly enjoy improvising either but wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone as that is the only way to improve.

I did do well on keeping up the rhythm however, plus the transition from chorus to bridge was quite smooth which was good. I mostly just need to work on my wah pedal skills and transitioning from using it to now, and also really work hard on getting the solo good.

Uptown funk (solo practice)

This solo rehearsal wasn’t too bad, i didn’t really mess up. There were only a few times where i played a wrong note and that’s because when i was strumming i accidently hit the D string, to fix this i need to work on controlling my hand movements and strumming. I feel like i came in on time quite well for all of the sections, apart from the chromatic part the first time as i came in slightly too early. All i really need to do to get better at that is listen to the song and learn when i need to come in.

Since this is a fairly easy song there isn’t much to mess up on except for the rhythm but i feel i got the rhythm and feel of it quite quickly so it wasn’t much of a problem. One thing i could work on more is getting the stabs in at the end with the small licks that are in unison to the band, all i really need to do to get better at that though is practice it so that I’m not struggling to do them.