After the failed rehearsal attempt I wanted to know how to use the cannon camera correctly to ensure their wouldn’t be a repeat of last time. I researched into each button on the camera and what it did. This was to maximize my efficiency and enable me to direct my focus onto the task at hand.
I took a lot of advice from the video above and I learned the importance of saving battery, and how to correctly use the Canon camera. The cannon camera is a camera normally used for photography and is great for people who want detailed pictures without having to carry a heavy weight around. The camera works best with contrasting colors and this really helps me as I can now adapt where I film, meaning I will record areas with a variety of colors so my video will be aesthetically pleasing.

Through researching further into the mechanics of this camera I found out that it works well in any angle especially from below looking up. This knew knowledge has inspired me to experiment with camera angles.