Segmentation is necessary to understands individual wants and needs, its imperative for big companies, businesses or corporations to understand the concept of segmentation as it allows them to cater for the individual needs of there target audience. There are a variety of segments ranging from: community drivers, cultural consumers, entertainment seekers and trend awares. Some systems segment audiences or consumers by demographics for example basing individuals interests based on the post code, area, or city they live. This allows companies to be able to set effective marketting strateigies to rope in the specific people they are looking to bring in.
These marketing strategies can include:
- Branding
- Content marketing
- Social media marketing
- Customer experience
- Visual merchandising
- Promotion
- Products and services
- Contests
- Traditional marketing: This type of marketing refers to the marketing before technology became the forefront of advertisement. Nevertheless, can still be extremely affective in todays age if used correctly. Traditional marketing includes things like bill boards and posters which require physical effort to make and distribute.
- Outbound marketing: Outbound marketing refers to any kind of promotion in which a brand pushes their message to there targeted audience in an effort to gain their brand more popularity among society. Some examples of outbound marketing are print ads, TV ads, emails and cold calling.
- Inbound marketing: This type of marketing is based on attracting consumers to a website for example without pushing a specific agenda. Marketing professionals who use inbound marketing, strive to create positive experience’s for their audience that leave them with a good initial opinion of what they’ve been exposed to . This hopefully brings in prospective customers to their website. furthermore once you the n, you use various tools to keep them engaged and provide a continued value. After this, you continue your role as a helpful advisor and product or service expert.
- Digital marketing: Digital marketing uses technology to reach out to a wide audience and involves the use of electronic devises. Digital marketing use social media or emails to engage with their audience. It normally appeals to younger members of societies who are more present online.
Trend awares
Trend Awares are a segment who prioritise being at the forefront of modernisation. They are technologically savvy and aim to have contemporary and future relevance. As a segment they view themselves as spontaneous and adventurous individuals with interests surrounding fashion, music and new trending forms of entertainment. PROVIDE MORE RESEARCH…
My idea.
My idea in order to engage people who fit into the Trend Awares segment would be to implement an interactive music recording studio in the museum. An abbreviated term for this would be I.M.S stemming from * Interactive music studio*. This music studio would not only be used for creating music but would enable people to hear upcoming artists on good quality studio speakers, they’d be given opportunities to remix international classics with their own personal songs or other tracks, and be taught their way around a music studio by a professional studio guide hired by the museum.
Launching the I.M.S programme would bring many youngsters especially those who fall under the Trend Awares cultural segment. As it offers an opportunity to be adventurous, to set trends and gives them an edge in specific knowledge regarding upcoming artists and songs that are going to be released. I.M.S caters for the needs of the segment, as they are not afraid to stand out, and take pride in setting new societal standards, so what better way to be at the forefront of development than through music.
Their would ideally be would be four I.M.S studio hubs next to each other consisting of the same equipment with a member of staff present at the door. and this would allow for more then ine group of people to access the fscilities at a time.
Some equipment that will be needed for my idea to work effectively are the following:
•Microphone -Sontronics – Studio – Aria Large Condenser Valve Microphone £989.00
•Universal Audio Apollo Twin MkII DUO Heritage Edition Thunderbolt 2 Interfacev £799.00
•Apple iMac 24″, 2021 – 256GB – Blue £1,278.00
•FLEXISPOT Music Studio Standing Desk ESD1– 799.99
•Trojan Pro Mic Stand & Telescopic Boom | Professional Microphone Stand & Boom Arm- 24.00
•Tiger MSA21 Microphone Pop Filter £7.99
•Behringer Xenyx 1002SFX – Analog Mixer– 109.00
•Pioneer HDJ-CUE1 DJ Headphones –£60.00
•Edifier R1280T Active 2.0 42W Bookshelf Studio Speakers. –£99.99CAHAYA Acoustic Wall Panels –£21.99
Overall the price of all this equipment amounts to approximately £4170. This makes it a very realistic option for the museum to consider.
The software that would be used is called BandLab which is a very reliable free service for artists across the world to produce good quality music. It’s very easy to use as its primary focus is to ease beginners into the process of making something their proud of. It works by importing a specific audio file and layering your own audio files with vocals.

The national media museum had 187,000 visits in years 2022 to 2023 and trend awares were a mere 15 percent out of a houndred.