Podcast- Task. 4


Overall my experience was positive and I found it to be a very fun and interesting project i which i was able to experiment with my imagination ad develop my creative and practical skills. Initially I started with my research into podcasts where i chose to look into the Impaulsive and joe rogan podcast and through observing the two of them i took inspiration and incorporated some of the key elements that were used to make those internationally known into my own. as part of my research I looked into audio formats and types of podcast styles ad genres i also looked into statistics regarding he topic of podcasts including demographics and why certain podcasts do better then others. I found the research element of the project easy and quite interesting as i helped me understand how podcasts worked ad ave me insight on how he well known podcasts went about it. When considering the research element of the project in all its entirety I have-to admit that I did spend abut longer then necessary on looking into demographics as the information wasn’t easily accessible so it took excess time that could have been used during my proposal

Moving on to my proposal which helped me section off all my work and help me plan what I wanted to do moving forward. It gave me a structure that enabled me to plan the way i would go about my podcast successful. I also had to research into a podcast that that was similar themed to mine to get an understanding of how I should deliver the script of my podcast. I think overall my proposal was successful as I was able to construct a plan to get the best grade possible. Creating my script was something I throughly enjoyed and it helped me experiment with my creative side. My script went through an initial draft where I made any amends that needed to be made. I practiced repeatedly and edited certain sections that didn’t flown as easily off the tongue. I wanted to make it seem as natural as possible with an element of professionalism. I didn’t want it to sound like I was reading of a piece of paper as it was imperative i kept the audience interested by using a talkative and engaging tone rather then a monotonous way of speaking. I initially attempted to structure my script in bullet point form but later came to realisation that it wasn’t effective for me because after practicing i found myself trying to think of what to say to expand the bullet point but i went blank. This is when I decided to make my script a word for word document of what i wanted to say. I believe that the way I organised my script was effective as i was able to deliver my podcast in a way that sounded natural and entertaining to the listeners. In the end i thought i did a decent job in making sure my podcast came across professional.

Recording my podcast was very fun and easy for me as I had prepared effectively. It took two takes for me to be satisfied with my delivery. This was because initially it took time to settle my small nerves and settle my apprehension and get comfortable in the new studio surroundings. I went solo for the majority of the podcast in which m script came in handy. I read it word for word with a few improvised phrases and laughs. Although generally reading off a page would come across very boring and robotic, it worked for me as I had wrote my script the way I was going to say it, including all the slang and jokes. for approximately eight minutes of the podcast I was talking alone until I finally brought in a guest who was my good friend Usman. I had a short two minute interview at the end of the podcast with him, asking him questions such as what his opinions were on rap and tried to make it a free flowing discussion. This in the end was the strongest element of the project as I succeeded in delivering my podcast in a way that came across presentable to a group of listeners. I do feel that I had no weaknesses in the recording element of the project however possibly during the first take I felt nerves. In the future this could be improved by getting used to the recording process and familiarising myself with how the microphone works.

Making my logo was also something I found as my strength as I was able to construct a picture that embraced street culture and caught the listeners eye. My logo was colourful and vibrant making it stand out and easy to remember which also helped when I was playing my image onto backgrounds such as bus stop signs and bags. I believe that overall the process of creating my logo was one of the easiest tasks in the project as I used pix art which was very easy to use and helped me create my logo fast. I do believe however that in order to make the process that little bit more perfect I could have planned what kind of result I wanted in the end rather then taking the to the internet trying to find elements of an idea I hadn’t really thought about. This would have saved me that extra time to possibly put into my task Four. In conclusion I do believe the project went smoothly and I found it to be beneficial as I learned many new skills.

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Tutor Feedback

For the context element of my task 4 I achieved a good overall grade and this means I had a good understanding and knowledge of subject context that enabled me to make sound judgments and articulate my ambitions fairly well. However in the future I plan to relate the thorough research I do into my actual project. This could be done through tying what i learn into the product I produce by using the inspiration I have gained through viewing other works similar to my own and using techniques they use in my own which inevitably enhance the overall level of my project giving me a higher grade.

For the research element of my podcast I achieved a good standard which meant I was able to achieve a good thorough and sustained investigation of regular sources and was able to interpret information effectively. however I do believe that in order to improve my grade substantially this was the element where I found I was a lot weaker at. In the future I will aim to provide references to back the research Ido and this would allow me to have a more sophisticated knowledge of how to go about my project. One of my mistakes that i had made in this project was that I didn’t talk about how my research into demomghrapics has a part to play in my podcast. In addition what would have been a lot more beneficial and effective was relating my demoghapics research to my podcast, establishing a clear connection between the two.

My practical skills section was where I achieved my highest grade which was at excellent level. In the future i wish to keep using the same techniques I used to achieve this which include being creative, imaginative and enthusiastic.

Finally my evaluation and reflection i feel was an area for me there I didn’t include the necessary information to make it detailed enough. Although I managed to communicate my points effectively I failed to mention the extensive research I had done in my write up. If this is done in the future then I’m sure I am able to achieve a distinct grade