As I did my presentation at a later date I wasn’t able to have class feedback, rather had one member of staff telling me where I could have improved.
I believe my presentation was successful as I managed to convey my message and idea. I was able to go through all the main points that needed to be addressed to propose my plan to create this talk show. Some feedback that I got from a member of staff was that I could have focused more on the planning side, going through more of the theory instead of being so vague about my idea. In future presentations, I will aim to discuss more about my plan to solidify what I want to do.
Another thing that could have improved was I could have gone in more detail to do with equipment, instead of saying cameras or microphones, I should have gone into more depth regarding what brands they were. This would have helped convey the fact that I wanted to use good brands as I wanted to produce a high quality production.
What went well was my clarity, I was very clear about my objectives and what I was looking to do. This was due to my thorough research and looking at inspiration online.