Induction task

I would shoot my one shot video based on the thought of having more theme-parks in Bradford and why this would be beneficial to the city.I would also talk about the positive impact it would have by mentioning how it would overall change the peoples lives. My video only being a minute long will stay short and concise but be straight to the point. It will be filmed facing a picture of a theme park and it will include me talking over it and explaining everything i have mentioned above.

Bradford is a city which once had a reputation of being at the forefront of technolodgy and infrastrucutre. Bradford is known to be a city i quote from recent developers “full of real potential”. It is a city which over time has forgotten its roots and has forgotten what made the city so great. It lacks the spark it once had. And i attempt to revive a small fragment of it in todays video.

Theme parks are often over looked as places designed for children but as you can see places like these which are left to look barren can be used effectively to bring people together and create the sense of community the city once had. theme parks bring people from all walks of life together to enjoy a fun activity and looks past what backround or nationality the person comes from. Its a space for people to relax and have fun with family and friends create friendships and bond with people they would have looked over in there day to day lives. I believe theme parks will bring back a fragment of the spark and buzz that the city was once known for. Offering the people affordable rides, important moments with family and friends and most of all a reason to be proud of what bradford has to offer.