My overall feedback for my presentation was very positive and encouraging as the good feedback I received included: Being well organised, being informative and confident in my plan. I was able to successfully convey my idea in a manner that persuaded the listener I’d be able to follow through with my project. My presentation was very well structured from start to finish with information detailing the research I did, what my target audience is, and all the planning I underwent to to finally choose this idea. I believe my presentation covered the fundamentals in what my idea was and what exactly I wanted to achieve with it.
Some negative feedback I received was that I could have explained in more depth and not skim over necessary numbers/ stats or complicated information. I believe this was beneficial for me as it enabled me to analyse my performance and consider the changes that needed to be made. In future presentations I will aim to take more time in getting my point across and relating to the audience more. Although I do believe I was successful in showcasing my plan and various ideas I do believe that a more through break down addressing the audience directly would have made it a-lot better.
How will I do this?
I believe the planning I did will enable me to get through the project successfully as I have a strong understanding of each individual scene and the exact location it will be performed in. This gives me an organised sequence of events in which I can refer back to on the day to understand exactly what I’m doing. This good plan ensures all my focus can be directed to the actual delivery and song quality itself. The planning method that has really benefitted me is the story board in which I drew the specific camera angles and shots I wanted to include.