Final assignment. Marketing strategies

A marketing strategy helps a company remain in sync and relevant with their target audience, provide the necessary products, events or facilities for them and try to find a way to communicate that information. Without a defined strategy it’s impossible to know who the audience you want to attract are or what they would like to see from what is being offered, meaning whatever is being promoted will not reach those it needs to reach and inevitably lead to a loss of money. Understanding how to market a specific product can give you insight on what works and what doesn’t for the future and present world we live in. Some examples of marketing strategies are: Content marketing; Content marketing is a centred around creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online Direct marketing; Direct marketing is a form of communicating where an organisation reach out directly to a pre-selected customer and supply a method for a direct response, It is also known as direct response marketing. Advertising; Advertising aims to put a product or service in the spotlight in order to gain attention from the general public. Advertisement can be used to create a hype around something making people feel inclined to purchase the product or service. Social media marketing; Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote something specific. social media is normally used to engage an audience of ages 18 to 29. Brand familiarity Brand familiarity is one of the biggest and most important side to marketing and is something that almost every business wants to achieve. Edelman’s survey results prove that 81 percent of customers need to feel a sense of trust and familiarity to a brand before they purchase anything from them. Brands build this trust with their audience to keep them in engaged and create a good impression consequently having a large following of loyal consumers who are sure to return. An effective marketing strategy can take your brand from unknown to familiar and, ultimately, well-known. But that’s certainly not the only benefits marketing has. A marketing strategy has a domino effect. Once a brand begins to market to its target audience, the foundation of the business forms. Your sales team will then lean on a solid foundation and have the right tools to help convert leads across the sales funnel. Science media museum marketing approaches The science and media museum promote themselves through social media and especially through their website. creating fun and interesting pages all about the exciting future that lies ahead. Having information so easily accessible to the public eye can be extremely affective as it includes minimal effort for the consumer to access. Analog is another way they reach out to the public to market themselves. they have magazines posters and cards that are distributed to the general public to keep their relevance in society. These cards often have a small invitation to an event that is taking place hoping that the card will meet the right person and they will visit. On top of physical posters, they have online ones found on social media or on street signs with a digital image. Billboards also fit this category and play a huge part in promotion as they are viewed by hundreds of people per day depending on where they are located. the museum also is the face of Bradford City of culture 2025 and this gives them an amazing advantage in remaining relevant and boosting visitor numbers to the establishment. Visitors to the museum The museum gets approximately 187,000 visits annually with more than half (59%) being family groups but on an individual basis the age range for visitors is between 5-15 years of age. (NSMM,2023), Leaving a huge area for improvement in that aspect. Trend awares unfortunately amount to 15 percent of the total percentage of visitors compared to the rest of the cultural segments. AS cultural segment further known as engaged community drivers holds the biggest percentage in visiting the museum. This tells us that the museum engages best with the particular interests of that group such as Spirituality and science and lacks fun and engaging facilities/ events for the younger trend awares. Who are the trend awares They are all about big ideas and are looking for something out of the ordinary. The trend aware segment are independent-minded, but conscious of how the public view them. They are happy to be unique and different from the rest of society as long as what they’re doing shows them to be ahead of the trend. They are usually the cultural segment who adopt thing early and don’t need things to have a proven track record before they get involved. Making discoveries makes them feel accomplished however are they not opposed to popular shows or famous movies. (Morris Hargreaves McIntyre, 2023). However most things mainstream are mostly a pass. For Trend Awares, engaging with arts, culture and heritage can be a difficult thing to do. Although they have interest in learning facts, they want to explore these ideas with their friends in a casual manner. Ultimately, they want to learn with a more emotional approach oppose to a classroom environment. They like their intelligence been challenged and love exploring culture socially. Analysis of what they do to engage trend awares There are numerous ways in which the museum attempt to engage with the trend aware segment. One of those ways is through cinema and visual events that they hold. An example of a visual event that they held quite recently was the All Night Lord of The Rings Marathon which ran through the whole night and into the early hours of the morning. This attracted the young trend awares as it was an exciting concept with an opportunity to experience something on their own terms. Another example of their tactics to bring them in at the moment is using the their (Imax) cinema is to showcase new blockbuster movies. This keeps the young trend awares engaged in the museum although it’s shut down. Using the language of film to reach out to the masses can be beneficial to keep the targeted cultural segment engaged with the museum. My conclusion of my analysis These things are useful to keep the necessary people interested in the museum however doesn’t give the museum an advantage in terms of, increased number of visitors and relevance in society. Whatever they are offering to keep the trend awares interested such as cinema, can be found and offered in many numerous places around town. The museum doesn’t have something independently unique that appeals to that segment. What’s needed is for the museum to offer a unique experience that can’t be bought at a cheaper price anywhere else. My idea to target trend awares My idea involves the art of sound and music to engage with the trend awares cultural segment. The name for this project for short is I.M.S stemming from Interactive Music Studio. Consisting of state-of-the-art recording and producing equipment to enable the adventurous youth to create something they can be proud of. This idea came about after conducting in depth research into who the trend awares truly are as people. Gaining a deeper understanding gave me insight into what would engage with each of their unique characteristics. Such as a desire to be trend setters, unique and adventurous. Music is a spectrum in which people from all walks of life can express themselves through and feel empowered. Thus, coming up with the I.M.S project seemed extremely relevant in roping in the targeted segment. Within the museum my plan is to have I.M.S hubs, and these will consist of 4 rooms along a corridor/ section of the museum with a staff member present in each. Consumers will have the opportunity to record their own tracks, edit them, remix international classics, hear up and coming artists and be the first to know of any new releases. In order for this idea to work, the museum must reach out to big music platforms such as GRM daily, P110, One extra and linkup tv. Building connections with famous brands such as these will be imperative to ensure the museum has good links and knowledge in up-and-coming trends in music. This would appeal to the trend awares because they would inevitably feel confident in the museums source of information. This knowledge will be passed to them and they can find themselves being ahead of the wave. I.M.S is based on the fun aspect of learning. Trend awares are a cultural segment who thrive in environments they feel they are able to have control over. The I.M.S project provides a fun opportunity for trend awares to learn at their own pace doing something they enjoy (music). (Incandence music therapy blog 2022/23) “Recent research supports the beneficial link between fun in learning and long-term memory. Educational psychologists are in agreement that people learn and retain more information when the learning is associated with strong positive emotion. This can be useful to keep loyal consumers coming back for that same positive buzz they got the first time. Why music Music has been found to be a form of expression for young people (trend awares) as it covers a wide spectrum of ways to release internal thoughts and turn them into something cool. It gives them an opportunity to stand out from the rest of society and have complete control over the product they put out. (Incandence music (2022/23). Giving a platform where trend awares can be at the forefront of creating something phenomenal can really help boost the museums revenue in terms of how many people visit. In conclusion I believe my idea to launch the I.M.S hubs is an extremely strong way to engage with the trend awares as it plays on their love for adventure, learning and desire to stand out. I.M.S provides a solution to the lack of visitation (to the museum) by this cultural segment and has massive potential to be at the forefront of exciting events the museum holds. Reference list Morris Hargreaves McIntyre. (2023) Stimulation. Available at: URL (n.d.). Why Do Teens Specifically Love Music? | Incadence Music Therapy Blog. [online] Available at: Jacob76 (n.d.). Scientific Evidence Confirms Learning Must Be Fun – Advance. [online] Available at:
Scientific Evidence Confirms Learning Must Be Fun
National science and media museum. (2023). visitor profile 2022/23