Mood board Advert Ideas

This is a mood board me and my group created and we are using it for inpiration and to notice any subtle themes and patterns to incooprpirate into our own adverts. The mood board consists of many various advert images rnaging from still adverts to moving ones. from first glance they all contain lively enegertic lighting and colours which definately will be included my advert as i believe it brings more fun and ecitment to the viewres watching.
General ideas

This was my first draft in organizing my advert and the shots I wanted to include. I wanted to first show case the price tag showing the viewers the packaging and cheapness of the product. This gives an initial positive impression for the product as its affordable and trendy. After creating my first initial impression I wanted to model the bracelet on my hand to show how it looks on skin. This gives my advert an honest feel as its clear to see I wasn’t hiding behind special effects and animations. The bracelet being modeled is very important as it gives the viewers a visual aid to see how it could look on there arm. I then wanted to place the bracelet on the green screen with intense lighting panning 180 degrees with the camera this is to add the professional feel to my advert and make it seem different and trendy to appeal to the target audience (18 to 30 year old’s). I also wanted to use glitter in a slow motion effect and show the bracelet crashing into it and ending it there. Also towards the left of the page I was describing all the shots I would use. For example for the first shot it was a closeup and this is on purpose as I wanted to show the bracelet up close to open the advert so the first thing seen is my product. Then moving onto a mid shot and showing the bracelet in surroundings to give my audience a sense of awareness regarding what atmosphere the bracelet can be worn

This is me finalizing my planning on the pre production form and this was an important stage of my development as it embedded everything I wanted to do and include in my advert.