studio-based broadcast media production.
Director- A television director in is command of the activities surrounding a television program or a section of a program. They are responsible for ideas about the editorial content and creative style of a program, and ensuring the producer’s view is delivered. Their objectives may include originating program ideas and finding contributors. Opinion- I have had experience with this role it really suited me as I have a really good speaking voice and have the characteristics of a good leader. But I only got to be Director for one day as it confused me too much so I decided to back down let someone else in my group have the role and I became the Floor Manager which works with the Director.
Responsibilities of a tv director

- Read and assess the script: Directors need to read and assess the script. Before starting production the first thing they should do is for the director to read the entire script so the planning is right and no wrongs will happen. This gives them an idea of what an episode is about, what characters they’re working with.
- Meet with Showrunner and producers: They also need to meet the showrunner and producers. Tv directors also frequently meet up with the showrunners and producers to go over thematic and stylistic elements they also need to include in their direction of the show. If a show hires a director for the second season of their show, that director has to fully acquaint themselves.
- Coordinate filming: As well as doing the other things directors also need to be responsible for coordinating the filming of a television episode, mainly by sorting out the different camera angles for each shot within scenes. They also may direct camera operators to film scenes in specific angles or other members of production.
- Communicate with members of production: Tv directors also converse to production assistants, lighting and sound departments, producers, showrunners and actors throughout the entire filming process.
Producer- Is a person who looks over one or more aspects of video production on a tv program. Some producers take on more of an executive role, doing that they conceive new programs and pitch them to television networks, but upon acceptance they concentrate on business matters, such as budgeting and contracting. Opinion -I think the producer role when I tried it out on the mixing desk it was really fun if I have to be honest it intrigued me. It’s really a role where there is a person who sits at a desk, switching cameras and fading cameras in and out.
Responsibilities of a tv producer.

- Managing contracts for members of the cast: Producers have these contracts with their actors which depict how much an actor would get paid usually in smaller jobs actors would negotiate their own contracts but if it is a bigger job actors contracts would be managed by either a lawyer or a producer.
- Networking with other industry professionals, such as network executives: Also producers would need to work with other professionals in their range or even reach out further but usually work with others to get new skills they have not achieved before they will work with the production assistants.
- Hiring members of the television crew, such as writers and production assistants: Producers would need to hire people with the talent to be able to be a good writer and have a sense of communication within their team and also with the production assistants which they are somewhat a vital key part of the team.
- Creating the production schedule: The producer would get together with the director and the camera crew to start the creation of the schedule but most of the time the camera crew might not be needed in for the creation due to their contract they would know when to come in.
- Meeting with other managing team members, such as the director: The producer would then need to meet up with the director to discuss management and assess the situation of the current progress being made.
- Negotiating rights for creative works, such as the rights for a book they want to adapt into a show: producers would then have to negotiate for things to be in their show for an example, if they wanted a book in their show they would need to talk with the publisher to be able to use it in the show it is a long process as well so they do this in advance before production.
- Securing funding for the project from investors or a network interested in the show:
Producers now need to start to get funding for the project they are working on from investors such as people or networks that are interested in the show and want to work along-side them by giving them funding.
- Ensuring all cast and crew follow safety regulations during their work: the producer who then also have the check health and safety regulations amongst all of the crew on set and make sure no accident is caused while working. If an accident does happen they would need to cover the bases an follow the regulation protocols they have put into place while on set.
- Supervising the project’s progress to make sure the show finishes on schedule: when working the producer would also need to keep track of progress made whilst working and making sure the show finishes on time according to the script. This is important because if the show does not finish on time then it would ruin production.
- Developing the budget: To make sure then can start production the producer would then need a budget for this to happen they would ask for funders or private funders or if they want a different approach they would go to a tv production company and ask for money.
- Ensuring the project stays within the budget: The producer cannot go out of the production budget because they would not have enough money to be able to afford the extra stuff they overstep their range and step outside budget the would project might collapse due to extra stuff they have not paid for since they might be charged for extra stuff being that is why it is better to stay within the production budget.
- Marketing the television show- Producers then go onto market their show by reaching out to television networks to see if they would like to able to have their show on their network.
- Writing scripts, though this may depend on the show: Also they would need to write up a script to be able to go on with their show some shows do not have script depending on production.
Video journalist- A person who goes out and records certain events such as news and relatable articles and events that happen within the world. They are responsible for creating video content in its entirety by filming, editing, and posting their work online. Opinion- I have wanted to do this but this is not a job in the project that me and my group is currently working on and would like to see the role make a come back. This role is aa major one if a group is doing a new show although it has been taken off the selection of roles.
Responsibilities of a video journalist

- Performing research for each video: Video journalists will need to investigate and gather information and research for their video they are recording. It is vital they do this otherwise they would be recording something for a useless purpose.
- Finding relevant people to interview when necessary: Journalists sometimes like to interview people but they have to be relevant to the topic the journalist is reporting on this way they can get as much correct information they desire.
- Recording footage that has excellent sound and video quality: It is important to have good video audio and quality because that may more and more people would come poring in and watch it where as a video in 720p accompanied with bad audio would drive potential viewers and listeners away from the video.
- Editing footage after it has been recorded to include transitions and text where necessary: To make it look better and to not use raw footage Journalist would then edit their own videos and add effects and transitions to make it look better or sometimes just to make the video shorter of the journalist wants it to be short.
- Uploading content to a system or website: They the go onto putting their video onto a system where it would automatically upload or post it themselves on a domain (website) they have made, YouTube, and Twitter.
- Staying informed about current events: Journalist need to be on top of events such as political news or not they will follow the current news themselves or report on the subject themselves.
- Keeping abreast of the latest editing software and recording equipment: video Journalists would need to update their gear and equipment from time to time to make sure there are no delays when they start to record because that would be bad if it is a vital news situation.
Camera Operator- A camera operator is hired by movie production companies, video production houses, and television and cable companies to record footage for our favourite TV shows, motion pictures, music videos, documentaries, and news and sporting events. Opinion- I have had a go as being the camera operator it seems fun but it is a big responsibility handling expensive gear. This role a person just stands behind the camera being told what to do by either the Floor Manager or the Director.

Responsibilities of a camera operator
- Work with a director to determine overall vision of a production: The camera operator would need to work closely with the director in order to make sure that their current vision of production would be tainted by slow downs.
- Discuss filming and editing techniques with a director to Improve a scene: The operator will need to learn some techniques in order to perfect recording when in production they would also sit down with the director and discuss some techniques as well.