The reason I have chosen this format is because people tend to get busy with other daily tasks such as work or maybe cooking. Podcasts are highly promoted due to celebrities creating them for their fanbases to listen to. For example I listen to podcast on topics that I find interesting such as: Comedy, Adventure and music. The reason I find them useful and accessible is because they are really easy to access all you have to do is turn on your phone and press play where as a story book you have to interact with it so I would prefer the easier option. Some people become familiar with the creators of their favorite podcasts and will follow and listen to all of their new work which has dropped.
Up until 20 years ago very few people had ever heard of a podcast. Research suggests there are over 2.4 million podcasts we can listen to and we can do this on a range of digital platforms such as YouTube and Spotify. This industry is growing rapidly with hundreds of new podcasts being made every day. (Smith R 2022)
All you need to access a podcast is a smartphone or laptop with an internet connection and you can search for a podcast on absolutely anything. Another bonus to this is most are them are free. Podcast don’t have to follow sets of rules like television and radio do as they are not regulated by the likes of OFCOM. (Mclean M 2024)
Smith R 2022 Podcasts are more popular than ever: here’s why Available online https://www.swlondoner.co.uk/life/13122022-podcasts-are-more-popular-than-ever-heres-why (accessed on 05/02/2024)
Mclean M 2024 Why are podcasts so popular? Available online https://www.thepodcasthost.com/mindset/why-are-podcasts-so-popular/#:~:text=We%20live%20in%20a%20content,choose%20exactly%20what%20you%20want. (Accessed 05/03/2024)