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FMP – Task 3 Production
Posted on19 April 2023Leave a commenton FMP – Task 3 ProductionEdit”FMP – Task 3 Production”
Task 1- Research into studio-based media production.
Director- A television director in is command of the activities surrounding a television program or a section of a program. They are responsible for ideas about the editorial content and creative style of a program, and ensuring the producer’s view is delivered. Their objectives may include originating program ideas and finding contributors.
Responsibilities of a tv director
- Read and assess the script: Directors need to read and assess the script. Before starting production the first thing they should do is for the director to read the entire script so the planning is right and no wrongs will happen. This gives them an idea of what an episode is about, what characters they’re working with.
- Meet with Showrunner and producers: They also need to meet the showrunner and producers. Tv directors also frequently meet up with the showrunners and producers to go over thematic and stylistic elements they also need to include in their direction of the show. If a show hires a director for the second season of their show, that director has to fully acquaint themselves.
- Coordinate filming: As well as doing the other things directors also need to be responsible for coordinating the filming of a television episode, mainly by sorting out the different camera angles for each shot within scenes. They also may direct camera operators to film scenes in specific angles or other members of production.
- Communicate with members of production: Tv directors also converse to production assistants, lighting and sound departments, producers, showrunners and actors throughout the entire filming process.
Producer- Is a person who looks over one or more aspects of video production on a tv program. Some producers take on more of an executive role, doing that they conceive new programs and pitch them to television networks, but upon acceptance they concentrate on business matters, such as budgeting and contracting.
Responsibilities of a tv producer.
- Managing contracts for members of the cast: Producers have these contracts with their actors which depict how much an actor would get paid usually in smaller jobs actors would negotiate their own contracts but if it is a bigger job actors contracts would be managed by either a lawyer or a producer.
- Networking with other industry professionals, such as network executives: Also producers would need to work with other professionals in their range or even reach out further but usually work with others to get new skills they have not achieved before they will work with the production assistants.
- Hiring members of the television crew, such as writers and production assistants: Producers would need to hire people with the talent to be able to be a good writer and have a sense of communication within their team and also with the production assistants which they are somewhat a vital key part of the team.
- Creating the production schedule: The producer would get together with the director and the camera crew to start the creation of the schedule but most of the time the camera crew might not be needed in for the creation due to their contract they would know when to come in.
- Meeting with other managing team members, such as the director: The producer would then need to meet up with the director to discuss management and assess the situation of the current progress being made.
- Negotiating rights for creative works, such as the rights for a book they want to adapt into a show: producers would then have to negotiate for things to be in their show for an example, if they wanted a book in their show they would need to talk with the publisher to be able to use it in the show it is a long process as well so they do this in advance before production.
Posted on4 January 20232 Commentson Task 1- Research into studio-based media production.Edit”Task 1- Research into studio-based media production.”
here is my YouTube video on my podcast for people to watch and have a listen to I hope you all enjoy it.Posted on9 December 2022Leave a commenton Podcast-linkEdit”Podcast-link”
Gravity Rings
Idea- put the gravity rings on each arm of a different person then use a camera to capture the product working so it looks legit and people may want to buy it.
audience- This product is tailored towards younger people like children who would use the gravity rings again and again and get a use out of it.
speech- “most amazing product ever created!”
have you ever want to feel gravity at your fingertips? well try gravity rings! watch them cascade up and down your arms and make them transfer from one hand to the other hand. How this is possible is because of the kinetic movement inside of the rings which relates to things that move in a large span but do it over shorter time. Gravity rings are the ideal product for people and children who like science! any who if you are interested gravity rings are the item for you!
product I am working with- Gravity Rings
Social Media Platform advertisement will play on- YouTubePosted on28 September 2022Leave a commenton Gravity RingsEdit”Gravity Rings”
Harvard Referencing
Hart.C, year of publication was 2008 , the title of the book is Drawing CRIME NOIR FOR COMICS& GRAPHIC NOVELS., first edition. The place the book was published was New York, Watson-Guptill publications.Posted on21 September 2022Leave a commenton Harvard ReferencingEdit”Harvard Referencing”
social media advertisement
Social media advertising is defined as a form of digital advertising that serves paid ads to your target audience using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkdln, and Pintrest. It helps branch out to younger generations to help them make a decision and buy the company’s product. It also helps the company making the advertisement to put what the customers want in the ad. Social media has been around for a long time now. Ads on social media had worldwide revenue of $153 billion in 2021, and this number is expected to grow over $252 billion in 2026.
Different social media platforms are:
Twitter, Discord, snapchat, YouTube, Reddit, TIKTOK, Facebook
These social media platforms providePosted on16 September 2022Leave a commenton social media advertisementEdit”social media advertisement”
Hello welcome to my home page!
The thing I want from my creative media course at Bradford College course is that I want to gain the abillity to be able to be in video production as I have been interested in this for a long time it really peaks my interest. The things I will need to achieve this is to resit my Maths and English exams since I did not get a pass. My career aims are to be doing animation for things like small indie games and advertisement’s the skills I will need for the role above is to have knowledge of an application called blender and different aplications .
https://www.youtube.com/embed/FdE5G95B7Mg?feature=oembedPosted on6 September 2022Leave a commenton Hello welcome to my home page!Edit”Hello welcome to my home page!”
Induction Task
We are being asked to create a one minute vlog about what we like to see in Bradford. The idea I have came up with is that I’d want to see more animal habitats around Bradford. Say for example if you wanted to buy a pet snake or a bearded dragon you would have to go outside of Bradford to buy these certain type of animals from pet stores like pets at home a pet store that has somewhat of a variety of different animals you can have a look at, buy or maybe adopt.
Bradford needs more biodiversity in it’s city centre for example more pet stores with a more larger variety of animals to pick from I think it would benefit Bradford if we have more animals.

Posted on6 September 2022Leave a commenton Induction TaskEdit”Induction Task”
Hello world!
Welcome to Bradford College Digital Space. This is your first post. Edit or delete it.Posted on6 September 20221 Commenton Hello world!Edit”Hello world!”