Evaluation – podcast – Finlay Lambert
So in this project I have came up with an idea for a podcast and turned it into a podcast hat people can listen to my podcast is on news which some people hardly listen or read the news.
Task 1 Podcast Project
In task 1 I have analysed 2 of my favourite podcasts which have gave me inspiration for example I have chosen Distractible and The Misfits Podcast which are a group youtubers whose topics mainly surround the comedy category. They joke about everyday events which they have experienced but sadly one of the podcasts The Misfits have been canceled and no reason is stated for this cause of action. The ratings for the podcasts are fairly positive and negative somewhat like a 50/50 if I say so myself.
So I did my proposal next which is basically a rundown of what my podcast is, subject specifics, the topic, audience, the people who would listen, podcast format and influences. This is helpful because all of. My stuff I was doing for my podcast was in there and it helped me create my podcast.
Primary and Secondary research
For my primary research I asked two of my friends about what type of podcasts they listen to. They gave me some feedback and the titles of the podcasts they are currently listening to which I had a listen to as well to see if they was similar to the two podcasts I have listened to for research. For my secondary research I used one of the podcasts I have listened to it was Distractible which is rated 4.9 stars on Chartable.com and has a total of 26,777 reviews from people who have watched it.
Podcast script
I then went onto write my script for my podcast but it was not used in the final podcast recording I did because I had confidence I learned it off by heart plus I had more stuff to add to the script but I did not have enough time to since we was moving on the recording our podcasts so I scraped my script and went from the top of my head since I have revised my script.
Analysis of Microphone Types
Before doing my podcast I did some research of different type of microphones which benefited me greatly because I knew which microphone would sound better when doing my podcasts. Knowing your microphone types is really important because you don’t want to be using he wring one because it will mess your audio up and you would have to start all over again which is a huge hassle.
Recording Of Podcast
So fist things first I started to record my podcast in a Tv recording studio which had great sound but the twist is when I first recorded my podcast it sounded choppy so I re recorded my podcast so it would sound better
Editing of the podcast
So basically I have edited my podcast so this time it would sound better than before although I had to re do my podcast twice because the first copy sounded copy and unprofessional because the microphone kept banging up and down.
So that now I have showed my podcast and have gotten feedback from peers an
Strengths- good sense of keeping on task of the topic I was talking about really depended on me understanding the type of microphone I was using.
weaknesses- the banging on the microphone in the original recording that was scraped. The audio was not good because:
. The microphone kept banging all over the place/stand seemed flimsy
. Foam pad microphone was standing on was not secure on the desk.
. Editing was difficult due to sound issue on device where sound from device sound levels making it sound distort when it was playing.
. Vocals sounded unprofessional because of the EQ was not correct have boosted the frequency too much to the point of low mid where it sounded muffled and not clear to the human ear.
. Compression is needing to be researched by me because I do not know how to use it at all and might be an advantage in the foreseeable future.
. I will be needing to research how to reduce to dynamic range of the recording.
. Microphone types
. Bidirectional- designed for picking up audio equally.

Blue Yeti- This microphone is ideal for things such as professional podcasting, youtube, twitch streaming.

Evaluation on my grade- This time I have achieved the grade of good which is an improvement for me because the last two projects I have gotten referrals which was bad in my opinion and I have managed to boost and improve my grade. the things I need to work on though to get my grade to a excellent is
- Work on better ideas so repetitiveness does not come into the picture of my work so I can move forward and talk about other things rather than talking about the same thing again and again. Also I need to work on adding more information as it said in my feedback something to do with the text ending abruptly. What I mean by this is in my podcast after talking about my topic of my podcast I just ended it this could be improved with me adding more details like thanking the viewers for listening and hoping to see them next week or sometime in the future because this would sound better as it does currently if I could change it now I would change the ending.
- I need to work on endings because my ending was too quick as stated in my feedback. It would be better if I had a longer ending because then I might have been in a different boat and may have not had to improve it but over all endings need improving so I could get a better grade and make it look more professional.
- The way I could improve an get a better grade is by pushing myself a bit further so I could gather more data relevant to the project and the thing I am working on inside of that project. Also I need to include more things to say because I could push that as well meaning I might have gotten a even better grade this time but I got a good grade overall aiming to push it to the final good grade excellent.
I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.