My podcast will be called Fin’s News a news podcast that will be discussing topics such as news articles, corruption and many more stuff.
First thing is that I looked up is a YouTuber called Joe Rogan he is a YouTuber who does podcasts about certain topics which some audience members will find disturbing as he talks about adult rated stuff for example he talks about Nazi colonies. Although his topics may not fit some people ‘s viewing some people like adult rated podcasts.
So the articles I will be talking about is articles that are relevant and are brand new swell as talking about system corruption and how it has taken over police officers and how officers can be bribed with money.
The research I will be doing on my podcast is how many people like to read news articles, which gender reads them more than the other.
An audience of 24 million in the United Kingdom who are highly engaged in reading. They read the news a lot in the United Kingdom and many other countries.
It seems as though that