The first 1/3 of the track is about how I’m coming back to music and how I have improved as an artist and as a person I took a beard after my first album to reflect and to try concentrate on myself to hope improve myself and the music. As the beat switches progress, it switches to more of a relationship/mental rap track. It talks about how I want someone back but then again I don’t want any relationship. It portrays different emotions within the track. I took inspiration from a UK artist called “Randolph” with the lyrics as his songs don’t always have a meaning but he goes as hard as he can lyrically to show what he is trying to say while matching it with the vibe of the beat. Towards the end, some of the lines have a meaning of “I want you back” then has a juxtaposition of “I don’t want you back”.
I feel like I expressed my emotions )at the time) very well on the track. That is the main goal for my music. I just want to put into words the emotions for t track.
The beat matches the lyric changes very well as at the stat it is quite up beat and chill whereas as the beat progresses, it changes to a darker/chill vibe. The pitched down drums (especially the kick) along with the pitched down capped up sample captures the vibe very well.
These are the Lyrics for the track. They didn’t take that long to write as when I was producing the beat I already had alot of ideas for them. Theres a few features of the lyrics that I thought were quite good coming from me. Some good rhyme schemes.
“never heard this B4” “move that piece to E4” – ‘B’ and “Piece” and “E4”
“Never miss a shot”
“get the marsh” – (Marshall) – (Gun)
“bring the aim back
“show me what you got”
“a bit harsh”
“can you blame that “
Each line rhymes and the end of that section rhymes with the middle of it. I saw Eminem do this in one of his tracks – “Still don’t give a fuck”

It’s not just rhyming every word at the end of every line. It is something I need to work on but it is a very effective process for rap songs.