MY main strengths are Independence, Production, Song Writing. I get more invested into the practical side of music. Im definitely strongest in production as its what I do the most and I am constantly thinking of new ideas for beats. Im also quite strong in lyric writing as iv even doing it for a while and I’m constantly thinking of new flows/bars and ideas for songs/verses and hooks. I prefer to produce on my own as I cater to myself and I can decide on 100% of what I’m doing.
MY Weaknesses are Working in groups as I’m quite an independent person wen it comes to music. If its one other person then that isn’t too bad. Another weakness is the documentation, Evaluation and digital work. I need to add more detail to my digital work and give more evidence for the subjects that I am doing. I spend more time and effort on the practical side but I need to balance the two out so I have time for both of them.