We have a rough chord progression and some other melodies throughout the song.
What we did well:
- we got a chord progression that works quite well
- We added some other melodies
We had a discussion about the start we made to our song, we created a verse and now a chorus ad also added a verse of lyrics that need improvements but we’ve made progress since last time.
We need to improve the structure and know the length of the verse and chorus.
We now have the 3 verses and the chorus’s sorted, we need to get the timing right.
I have written my verse and for the third one we are doing a “back to back thing” 2 bars each.
We haven’t got a chorus as of yet but its something that is needed for the song.
In this video clip we explain what we need to work on to improve the song both as a group and as individuals
This video is a practice run through. We have shown improvements throughout the track and is starting to come together. we need improvements to the timing and that will bring it all together
This video is our performance to the other groups, we played okay throughout but at the end i got mixed up with the last verse. I need to work on the delivery of the lyrics and when to come in for some of them
I was not there for these rehersals but it seems like they have got the instrumental of the track pretty much done, maybe working on some timing and some stuff that might help the recording process in the nest project
We have done some practice to a metronome as it will be better for us in the recording stage