I have put all the audio tracks into logic and cut them down so I only included the sounds I needed. This reduces some unwanted noise from equipment and the microphone. It cleans up the track.

At first I raised and lowered the audio levels of the tracks as some were to loud and causing some clipping. I then added some light reverb to the vocals on the track as they sounded very dry with the rest of the instruments. I then added EQ to the tracks as there was a lot of higher and lower frequencies in the sounds.

This is the EQ I used for the guitars. It makes the guitars sound a lot deeper as they had a higher frequency to them. It feels better to listen to in the headphones and goes well with the bass guitar.

This is the compression I used for both of the guitars. I added some distortion and raised the level of them as they were quiet compared to the rest of the tracks I raised the levels of both the left and right guitars as well as adding the distortion. I also raised the release/attack and ratio.

I also used some light reverb to the guitars as they were sounding quite dry and it makes it more interesting t0 list to with the rest of the track. I kept the dry up and the wet most of the 1/3 of the way down as I didn’t want too much as it washes out the sound of the guitars.

This is the noise gate I added to the vocals. I duplicated the vocal channel and the vocals itself. I added a bit of reverb to the channel and lowered the volume so it sounds like the vocals have some range to it and its not just dry vocals. You can hear some light breaths when I rap so I tried to cut as many of them as I can out.

I added noise gate and compression to the main instruments (kick, snare and toms). I added the noise gates because you can hear other instruments in the microphones. For example, when the kick is playing you can hear the snare bleeding through into that channel. The noise gate cancels most of it out.

I added an EQ to the Kick to make it have a bit more bass and sound a bit deeper. This also removed some of the hi-hat sound you can hear that the noise gate didn’t take out. It brings some more bass to the kick and makes it stand out more when everything else is playing.

I added an EQ to the snare to make it sound ‘bigger’ because before, it isn’t heated that much with everything else playing. It also reduces some other noise bleeding into the snare channel. It also makes the snare sound a lot smoother. It also adds a bit of bass to it so it sounds heavier to accompany the kick drum.

I added a compressor to the vocals to try balance out the audio because there are times that I go louder and quieter, especially when breathing and starting some line. I raised the overall volume of the vocals because it was quite quiet in contrast to the rest of the track.

I added some distortion to the guitars during the chorus to make it a stand-out section to the song. I also added some reverb to give the instrument some range. I also raised the overall volume of the track slightly during the chorus. The lead guitar in the section goes very well with the rest of the track during this section.

The left and right guitars also got some distortion during the chorus to add to the variety of the song and to match the lead guitar during that section. I also raised the volume to make it more noticeable within the track.

After adding effects and separating parts the track for the different sections, this is the layout. On the main page I lowered and increased the audio levels of some audio channels so everything can be heard.
I separated the parts of the instruments out for the choruses and added separate effects to them to stand out and sound different to the other sections of the song.

I added an echo effect at the end of the first verse leading into the chorus. I separated the tracks and added some echo and some more reverb as the verse ends.

This is the echo settings for the transition to the chorus. I increased the wetness so it sounds quite loud and has a bit of reverb. I also cut all the other instruments when the effect is active so its noticeable and it stands out leading into the chorus.

I added a pitch shifter to part of my vocals. I made them deeper in the second and third verse so it’s slightly noticeable. It mixes things up during the song so my vocals are not just the same all the way through.

I added some wet noticeable reverb at the end of the track. It’s a good way for the vocals to end. The drums have been cut from the end as they weren’t in time. It sounds better when its just the guitars and the vocals towards the end. Then going back into the guitars for a bit of an outro.
This is a bounce of the full mixed track.