So far I have added reverb, EQ and echo to some of the tracks within the song.I have cut out a lot of high and low frequency with the EQ. have used the EQ on the vocals and the drums to make sure they are not overpowering each other

This is the EQ I ave used for the main vocals. I added some low frequency as the vocals are quite high.

I have panned the guitars left and right with equal distance so they sound somewhat the same in both the ears.

This is the automation of my new mixing track.
I increased the volume on one of the choruses to make it stand out more. I also increase the volume and filter of the vocals at the end of the track.

This is the layout of the song so far. cut out the last part of the ending vocals and made a short outdo for the track which has a pitch change, reverb and a filter effect.
These are some of the effects I have used. I lowered the volume and increased the volume on some channels, I added compressor, reverb, pitch shifter and panning to the track. I cut out a lot of the parts where there is no music playing to simplify the track layout.:

I also added a pitch shifter to change it up a bit from the original vocals I increased the pitch by 3 semi-tones and mixed it so it was only the pitched up vocals rather than a mix of both
The eq on the vocals was very pleasing to the ear.
The ending with the pitch shifted vocals was a nice way to end it off.
The track overall had a little too much reverb.
The compression sounded very natural.

At the start I added some colours and chopped some unnecessary sounds out. I then added noise gate to the instruments to cut out the extra sounds that the microphone picked up. I also altered the levels of some of the sections with the mixer. I made sure the sounds weren’t clipping.
This is the Noise gate for the kick drum. I altered the threshold and the reduction to try cut some sounds out and I also added some release time to make it sounds more real.

This is the Noise gate for the snare drum. I altered the threshold more as there was a lot of extra sound coming from the channel. I also EQ’d it as the frequency needed altering. I also added some release time to make it sounds more real.

This is a bounce of my progress of the track so far.

I have copped up the sounds and organised them into the right channels. I cut out the parts in the channels where there is no sounds playing.

I added some reverb to the vocals as they sounded dry during the track. I also increased the volume and reverb wetness in certain parts of the track.

I Compressed the vocals so they are a similar level throughout.
I also compressed the guitar as its quite heavy and loud continuously