L3 – Mock Performance

What could be done better

practice topping and tailing the songs to make sure we start and end perfectly – We need to make sure we all start at the same tie and we need to know when and how the ending is so we all do it at the time we need to

We need to make sure the start and end to all three songs are sorted and known off by heart.
We need to know when we come into the song and when we drop out

Stage presence – We need to look like we’re enjoying it and we are acting professional while on stage.

Confidence while playing – If we play confidently it will show in our performing and will improve the overall performance.

What went well

Knowing our parts for the three songs

knowing the structure for the most part

Personal what went well

I could have lowered the volume of the keyboard in the second song because when I listened to it back it was quite loud in the verses.

I need to hear the vocals on the first and third song because that’s – the vocals gives me help in knowing the structure of the song and when the choruses/verses/breakdowns are.

make eye contact with the audience a little bit rather than staring at the drums and keyboard – Gives an engagement with the crowd.

For the main performance i need to just do what i did for the mock one but more confident.

Set list for the mock and final performance

  • Gangsta’s Paradise – Coolio
  • Il be missing you – P Diddy
  • Zombies – Cranberries

We are ending on zombies as its quite an upbeat/loud song to end on.

When i was playing the drums there wasn’t alot of room for when i finished and theres was a few wires around the area and could cause tripping as its quite dark with the lighting at that time in the performance