
In my proposal I planned to create a piece of cloth that when copied many times make a dress. My ideas haven’t really changed as I still wanted to make my cloth.  I responded to my proposal by sticking to my idea and experimenting more with pattern designs. Success in my Kosovan project would be the marking I did with my coins, that experiment gave great results in contrast, failure would be not finishing my final piece.  Some things that worked were the experiments that resulted when I wanted to make my draft pieces in photoshop. Something that didn’t work was the artist research as there wasn’t much to say as it wasn’t published online.

My working methology affected my final outcome not that well as I did not conclude a final piece. The idea I’m communicating connects with my media as I chose to focus on the celebratory outfits that are worn on special occasions in my country, Kosovo, such as weddings. So, I use fabric and an old wedding dress for inspiration when it comes to design and texture is good. 

Something that influenced my decision making about my outcome was watching wedding videos and being in aw how beautiful the fabrics and designs were on girls wearing them. I really wanted to make my own design thinking about how they would be worn. Research I did was finding old jewellery that my grandmother used to wear. I see my practice developing in the final project well. This practical told me I need to manage my time better and to go into more depth when it comes to final piece.