Artist Research

I chose this artist as the implicated made by his technique caught my eye that even the softness in the facial looks is portrayed amazingly. As there’s no autobiographic writing on this artist ill focus on the art itself. Buron Kaceli mostly paints people in traditional Albanian/Kosovan clothing as well as landscapes. the top left photo is an example of the capital of Kosovo, Pristina. Most of the backgrounds are a muted colour which i like as it draws more attention of the foreground. The strokes of paint really make the models look 3D. overall, Kaceli’s work inspires me to research more into traditional clothing


For this transcription i used oil pastels to mimic the colours and design in the traditional clothes that Kaceli illustrated. This transcription was fun to do as blending mixing designs whilst trying to make it my own. however, I don’t think ill be using this technique of oil pastels in my final piece as its messy and hard to handle.

Pajtim Osmanaij is an artist I wanted to include in my research as he’s quite big as artist which made me proud as he’s from my country. His art is very expressive as he puts his designs on clothing! I found this very impressive and creative. Osmanjis colour pallet is mostly flashy colours such as neon oranges and yellows but he also uses earth tones to depict mountains. I love his style and how he merges fashion and fine art together.

For this transcription I used coloured paper to mimic mountains. This was quiet difficult. Osmanji also works with paper on his pieces as he tears pages and pages of paper such as nicely textured, heavy paper, or a canvas paper this is so that he’d have strips and pieces of different sizes. creating the wrinkles he crumples up the paper, just like a tissue, making the folds and creases.

I also tried this technique but with only thin coloured paper. The execution wasn’t the best as it was my first time really using this technique however, it was useful to learn something new. If i did this again id use more types of paper to create depth and a 3D effect as well as spray paint as Pajtim Osmanji does.