
For my photoshoot i wanted to take many photographs both close up and wide. using an old traditional wedding dress I set out to look for texture that I could use to edit later on. The jewelry goes back to when my sister in law got married from my home country, Kosovo. Wanting to show the intricacy of the coins, I made sure to zoom in making sure to display the coin necklace. the scarf shown with beautiful flowers on it was my grandmothers aswell so i made sure to display it well.

The ring featured is a gold ring my grandmother who was born in raised Kosovo used to wear; as she passed away I started wearing it. I treasure it well as its a representation of her and my country. The texture and colour of the fabric and coins was important as I want to demonstrate even more texture in edits. Overall I enjoyed doing a photoshoot as I love photography and growing my skills more. Doing this will help me with my final piece as I can develop my idea through using fabric and traditional pieces in final piece. If did this shoot again id experiment with different lightning and lenses to bring out possibly a specific atmosphere.

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As I like photography, I wanted to take photos of using professional cameras. Using a 18 to 55 zoom lens and a soft box on the product cove as well as using a octo soft box also using a normal soft box in the studio cove. Overall I think this shoot of my cultural clothes went well. I learnt many new things like how to adjust the studio lights. Taking multiple shots was needed as I picked specific ones.