VIVA Questions L3 MMU- FMP

Level 3 Diploma in Performing and Production Arts  

Final Major Project 

VIVA Questions  

Name:  Katie Kitson  

Date:  22/05/2023 

  1. How do you feel about the overall process of the FMP? 

I feel like the overall process has been good however it has been extremely fast paste and I would have liked a bit more time to finalise and perfect my designs to a standard that I was happy with despite that I think the overall process has been fun and given me a chance to experience different areas of industry. 

  1. What skills have you developed throughout this FMP? 

I have developed my skill in textured as I only knew how to wash, blow-dry, and straighten before this. I have expanded on my time management skills making sure I have everything done before deadlines. 

  1. What were your key strengths in your FMP? 

I think my key strengths have been having skills with hair and being able to style and dress out a wig as well as always wanting to keep on time and making sure my time management has been on point throughout this project. 

  1. What were the weaknesses in your FMP?  

I think one of my weakness would be not having enough confidence in my work as this as left me playing it safe with my designs and not putting my full creativity in as I’m worried I won’t be able to achieve my desired look and not putting my full skill to the test as I know I’m able to do it I just hold back from a lack of confidence to do so. 

  1. How effectively did you manage the overall process? 

I think I have managed the overall process quite well as I have been on top of deadlines and have not stressed out over the project as much as I have in others as I have made sure to be prepped, ready and prepared for every hurdle that has been sent my way. 

  1. Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your process? 

I have used a variety of research sources these being: online websites, books from within college as well as social media like Instagram. 

  1. How effectively did you apply the research? 

I applied my research effectively as it has helped me develop my design ideas as well as given me the history behind my inspiration making it more meaningful as a piece as well as teach me effective ways to achieve my looks on top of my classes, so I am prepared for every part of the industry. 

  1. What have you learnt from the FMP that you will take forward on to the next step of your own personal development? 

I have learnt a lot about textured hair as well as different areas of industry and I will take this with me so it can help me in future for university and later in industry.  

  1. What can you do now that you could not do when you started the course? 

I can now do special effects that I was not able to do as well as different period hairstyles. I also can-do body painting that I had never done before this course on top of this I am able to do male grooming that I had little to no knowledge on at the beginning of this course. 

  1. Why is learning this important? 

Learning this is important for me as it will help me towards getting the job, I want in future this being a prosthetics artist. Learning these skills will make me more imploable for future as a I will knowledge and skill to do a bit of everything within the makeup industry. 

  1. If you were to do the project again, what would you do differently? 

If I were going to do this project again, I would make sure to not let my confidence hold me back and go big and bolder with my designs instead of playing it safe as well as making sure to perfect my intercut details on some of my designs. 

  1. Did you enjoy the rehearsal process? Why? 

I did enjoy the rehearsal process as it gave me a chance to see how my work looked and if I needed to make any alterations as well as experiment with different products to see what would work better. 

  1. Set yourself 3 targets for projects in the future… 
  • Be more confidant in myself and not let it hold me back 
  • Make sure to keep on top of deadlines and not fall back on work 
  • Expand more on my product knowledge  
  1. How are you going to achieve the above targets? 
  • I’m going to be more confidant and go big with my designs instead of playing it safe. 
  • I will set reminders to make sure I’m keeping on top of all my work. 
  • I’m going to research more into products as well as the products I use for my designs to find out what products work better than others for different things and document my research. 
  1. Set yourself 3 targets for your personal development in the future… 
  • Work on my confidence  
  • Do more research into special effects and try some looks out in my free time  
  • Try to work on my social media presence as this is becoming more popular in today’s society.  
  1. How are you going to achieve the above targets? 
  • I am going to practice my makeup skills more in my free time so I will start to feel more confident in myself and my skills. 
  • I will find videos from YouTube, Instagram, etc. On special effects and different ways to create them then try creating them using the skills I learnt from the videos. 
  • I will look into different social media platforms and how other Mua’s have put them self out into social media and gained a social presence.