VIVA Questions

Level 3 Diploma in Performing and Production Arts – (MMU)

Project 2

VIVA Questions 

Name: katie kitson

Date:  11/12/2022

What skills do you feel that you have developed through this project?

I have developed skills in styling and applying wigs for theatre

Please identify your key strengths of the overall project?

I think my key strengths for this project are being able to style hair and help others when they needed it as well as keeping on top of Time management 

Please identify your key weaknesses of the overall project? 

Making sure not to go to light or to heavy with the makeup so it doesn’t look washed out under the stage lights and not to dark under them

How effectively did you manage the skill building process?

I think I managed  it well I learnt a lot of new techniques and got to use them in my project design 

Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your assessment process?

I have used Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest to help me as well as watching different A Christmas Carol movies to help me with design ideas

How effectively did you apply the research?

I applied my research effectively as it helped me under what my character was going through and how there are different classes and what was happening during this time period when the novella was wrote 

What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own

personal development?

I have learnt how to apply a wig cap and wig that I can then use these skills in future projects and within industry as well as how to apply makeup suitable for different lighting which will help me for industry like film and tv as well as many more

What have you learnt from this experience that you will apply in your future progression route?

Make sure to keep on top of time management. Always take professional photos for your portfolio as this will help when looking for work in industry as well as any future portfolios 

What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you started the course?

I now know how to apply a wig cap and a wig I also now know how to apply fake hair using pros- aide.

If you were to do the project again what would you do differently?

I would look at more Victorian male hair styles and experiment more to see which would work better for my character 

Did you enjoy the process?I did enjoy the process as it has shown me what it would be like working in a theatre production