VIVA Questions

Level 3 Diploma in Performing and Production Arts – (MMU) 

Project 1 

VIVA Questions  

Name: katie kitson 

Date:  31/10/2022 

What skills do you feel that you have developed through this project? 

I feel like I have developed better communication skills since the beginning of this project. 

Please identify your key strengths of the overall project? 

One of my key strengths is developing better skills in using a bruise wheel as I was struggling with this at the start of the project. 

Another key strength is using my research to help me develop new skills and my design plan. 

Please identify your key weaknesses of the overall project?  

One of my key weaknesses in this project developing better skills in using products like sculpt gel and having a bit more control in the placement of the fake blood. 

Another one of my weaknesses is time management and practicing keeping in the time given when practicing. 

How effectively did you manage the skill building process? 

I think I did well on the skills building as I practiced a lot in college as well as practiced with different products to decided which would work best for my design plan. 

Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your assessment process? 

My research has supported me for my assessment as it has helped me create a design plan based on what I found out about my character as well as helped me develop new skill in SFX by using my research on the best ways to create some SFX. 

How effectively did you apply the research? 

I think I applied my research effectively as it has helped me develop my design plan for this project. 

What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own 

personal development? 

I can take the skills I learnt on SFX and how to apply a base with me for future projects as well as I can use these skills in future career paths. 

What have you learnt from this experience that you will apply in your future progression route? 

I have learnt how to plan out my research that will help me when I progress in the future as I now have developed the skills to use my research for my designs. 

What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you started the course? 

I now know how to colour correct as well as create SFX cuts and bruises, how to create a dirty down look.  

If you were to do the project again what would you do differently? 

I would focus more on my time management and make sure to keep on top of my sketchbook. 

Did you enjoy the process? 

I did enjoy the process even though there were difficult times when makeup looks did always come out exactly how I wanted it too, but I developed on it and i like how my looks came out later in the project.