Project 2 – Research

To help study and research for my moving image soundtrack, we looked into many different scenes from movies, for example; the light motifs of characters in old western films, and how the sounds are used to distinguish characters & when important things are going to occur. I also used my general knowledge of sound design and placement to indicate mood and tone within a scene, as the music wouldn’t match very well if it was something like a happy, upbeat fast tempo sound over a saddening scene in a film. With this in mind it helped me create my own sounds that correctly fit and matched the tone of each moving image I created.

I found my inspiration for my sound manipulation on my moving image from horror, and more in depth; zombie-based horror films. The reason I chose to take influence from these films is how well the suspense and emotion is built between scenes, when thinking of a zombie film you imagine chaos, but somehow using the sound the films manage to build character & develop plot using the sounds orchestrated. These can be a clear indication of what emotion is portrayed in the scene.

In this scene linked above, you can see how it goes from a happy upbeat sound created by the people living inside, then turning into chaos as an orchestral soundtrack begins & the tensions builds up.