Composing for Moving Image

Composing for moving image;;

On this project, I’ve been using a mix of instruments from synths to trumpets and to strings. As noticeable to the 10th bar, I’ve had instruments drop in to the arrangement, to make it sound more full and add more emotion and “Mystery” to the film.

After some feedback I have improved the overall mix on the day synth sound to remove some low bass frequency clashes between all of the bases in the instruments, along with boosting the higher frequencies around 4-7khz on the trumpet to make it cut through the mix and stand out among the bass sounds.

For my second piece, I’m working on the video of the man getting sent to prison. Here as you can see I’ve layered some simple chords from a synth along to recording some pop strings over in a higher octave.

I have added an EQ over the strings to reduce some of the lower ends of the strings to make sure they don’t clash with the other instruments in the song, along with boosting the high end of the strings to give the more airy wind effect, along with adding a wet reverb with some decay to it.

For this second one, i do have the file linked below but it seems to have no audio linked to it for now.

As for evaluation, I think the recordings on the first moving image were overall good, but could have been better if I was to play to the metronome and have everything on clicks, as I usually find myself in the note editor manually moving all the notes onto the correct time-frames. I believe the mix on the second moving image to be a little muddy, I could have prevented and fixed this by putting a dip in the lower frequencies at around 200khz. This would have cleaned up the muddy messy sound to it while leaving the elements and sound from different frequencies ranges without having to touch the volume of it all. On the other hand, I feel I did a good job as in the first moving image I was able to accurately create suspense and tension within the scene of the prisoner being taken to the prison, with the strings setting in after he’s reached the prison as a audial representation of his depression and sorrow.