What is Event Management?
Event Management is the process of creating and planning an event. This includes marketing, promoting, location, theme, aesthetic and more. This is for all types of events such as weddings, parties, conventions and more. We are planning a Music event.
What is Event management in music?
Event management for music is the same as it is for any other events but this event mainly focuses on stage production presentation and promotion. We will have to learn how to set up live instruments on stage and how to use things such as a mixing desk. We will have to create a logo and theme for the event by drawing and through photoshop. We will have to learn about Health and safety risks as we have to make sure the event is safe for people to attend and we do not catch suing cases. We will have to create social media account to market and promote this event which I would say is the most important because unlike planning a wedding for example its more so of inviting closes friends and family.
For music events we have to do really good marketing and promoting otherwise no on will attend the event and we will fail. We have to work as a team whilst planning this event so we have all been given a role so we all have something to do.
What is my role?
my role is event marketing. So I am in charge of creating the posters and logos hanging them up and posting promotion on social media. I will also have to pick a good venue that fits the capacity of our estimated number of audience.
As event marketer I should also try to look for someone to sponsor our event but it is unlikely that I will as I have no connection to anyone neither do I think anyone would want to sponsor a college music event. I as event marketer will also have to make sure the theme and feeling of the event is strong and solid b that I mean the event feels professional and our group knows what we are going for and wanting to accomplish.
So for example I would have to create something like this. from looking at it you know exactly what the event is about, you know the location and date and you already know the theme. (Jazz music)
I have created this poster we all like the idea but we all agree it looks too childish so we will work together on changing it to make it look more mature. We might change the brain to an X Ray and change the colour pallet to something more darker and serious. I will also have to create a logo for this poster which is plugged in.