The chosen theme is Islamic culture and I am wanting to take photos of people in headscarf’s and how there is some people still wear the headscarf’s and how that it doesn’t change even if they dress more western. I am wanting to look at the headscarf and how people with more western styles still wears it. I wanted to do things with that Islamic culture because I took interest in it because I live in a very diverse place and I have some friends that wear a headscarf. The artist I have researched are Eve Arnold, Yousuf Karsh, Peter Sanders ,Farwa Moledine. Peter Sanders has doesn’t so me photography to do with head scarfs and Farwa Moledine she does work with different patterns’ Arnold and Yousuf Karsh are both photographers. I have spoken to some people that were a head scarfs. The materials i will be using it cameras I will be using Photoshop. The way I am intending to experiment with my ideas is by going into the darkroom and test the overlaid. Ideas of final out come a patterned headscarf or a darkroom print with patterned headscarf I don’t know what pattern I will be doing at this moment in time and. I am not fully sure that going into the darkroom will look good with my theme but I will experiment with darkroom because I may change my ideas and chose to go down that pathway and use it to enhance the pattern on the headscarf.