FMP Memories

Mind map

Mood board

Marie Curie Hospice

Marie curie Hospice can help in so may ways like taking care of peoples loved ones that are taken there.There is also financial and benefits options as well as well as helps when some one dies.These options help people through these times wether it is hard to let them go and be taken care for and help people with the death of there loved ones.As Marie Curie as a cliental then i got to think more into my work and seeing how it would effect others and that had me thinking a lot and i hope my work helps the cliental to think of the emotion i was wanting to send through my work.

Artists research
Gary Turner

Gary Turner is a photography and he shows this on his website is a photographer that does landscape,Headshot and portraits but we will look at the land scapes from him i love how he has a mix range of grey scale and colour and i am wanting to play around with the Gray Turner scale on my images and see if hey are want i want.

Claude Monet

Claude Monet is a french painter is a website with his art work on it the reason i chose him as my second artist to look at first is because he does a lot of beach imagery but not only thats some lovely nature images as well but i am not sure i will be using him as a artist pass the idea generating/research part of this project.

Liza Dracup

Liza Dracup is a established photographer based in the north of England.Her experimental methodologies continue to underpin her photographic practice and academic research.This research had led to various commissions,and exhibits and publications.She successfully completed a doctorate on photography strategies for visualising the landscape and natural history of Northern England:The ordinary and The extraordinary.I would like to try this type of look to my images and make them look painting like and make the colours look bright but make it look some what normal and not over the top so they look natural.

Interviewee-Lauren Bailey
Interviewer(s)-Julieanne McNulty
What types of research has been carried out?
Mind map,Primary research on Doll Fashion,Sketches
Discuss the possible benefits of the research activity.
Found themes looked at looked at images of doll fashion,Sketches
How will this research be used to develop ideas?
They are thinking of going into to print and the darkroom
What other work is evidenced?
Looked at artists they have found the main artist they will research AquaThe on Pinterest
What are your ideas and what materials,techniques and processes do you think you might adopt?
Print and darkroom


We were doing a postcard to show to out tutors and peers to give them some idea of your rout with the main word of memories and mine was the woods with the tree.


The ethical way I have looked in to this is that the trees look fewer then before from them being cut down. The cultural way I the way the woods help connect the trees and humans. The sustainable way is the way that the woods are a natural resource.

Contact sheets :Photoshoot 1

This photoshoot is a primary shoot for the project i took photos of the trees in different parts of Judy woods and i like the photos around low wood.These photos turned out well but i am wanting to try different lighting and the different look with the different colour of leaves the inspiration i wanted to some what darken the light a bit so the colour popped when i up the saturation on the images which reminds me of Liza Dracup because of all the bright colours.


In the contact sheet above it shows the images that i did in the darkroom they turned out well i like the solarised and painting with developer a lot so i decided to combined the two and paint with developer and then solarised it.Then i scanned in the images so then i can edit them.


This is some work that i did with Pauls lesson and the beige/orange background was my first try and i love it a lot more because it has a more complete and more my style the brown background i wanted to try some thing else but i don’t really like it.I didn’t really like it because it looks to simple and the way i could have gone further with this is the back ground could of been gradient and the words could be a solid colour that is a bit different then background.

Contact sheet :Snow photoshoot 2

I decided to do another photoshoot because i was wondering what it would look with the snow and see if i could do some more with these images in the darkroom but i am going to hold off until i do more photoshoots.So then i can overlay the two different images.this didn’t turn out how i expected it to go because the white from the snow made it a bit difficult with the dark room so i opted on not doing that.


These are the outcome of the collage that i did.I cut out things related to the woods and i really like the out come and i am happy that i did this will i take it further no because it is not the way i am wanting to go but if i was to take this further i would scan it in or use one of the photos and turn it grey scale and take a photo of the woods overlaid on top to give it some texture.

Painting with light

The three images on top are some of my painting with light images that i did but in the end i was wanting to use a woodland secen inseted of the black.So i set the camera up in the woods witch was more differicult then i thought it would but only went it comes to painting with light i put a ten second timer on the camera and asked it my parents could help out with the painting part of painting in light the images below is what i have done with furthering this i might even take the second images in to the dark room.

Drypoint Etching

I tried to do Drypoint i didn’t know what i was doing at first so i got a image and copied it but i believe that was my mistake the reasoning being is it looks like a child’s drawing.I am not going to take this further but if i was i would draw from scratch and not a image because i believe it would turn out better and use a little less ink so then i can get more grey in the image.


I made a leave stamp and used acrylic paint and use the stamp and i did one that is organised more and the other not so organised and i tried to see what it will look like and it came out well.I wont go any further because this is not the way i want to go but if i was to go further i would do different prints with the leave stamp and try different leave stamps and scan it and then invert it and take it in to the darkroom for more experimenting.


The image above is a sine i made on jusdy woods it was originally just the images and i was going to do some nice writing over top and asked my turter if that would look nice and she said to pat the words in like a ‘ransom note way’and because i didnt want all of the work on the zine to be donw by printer so i decided to make a lot of tiny coloured squares and wrote the words on them and stuck them down.


These photos are of the match box i change the look by adding some white and added some drawings and photos and some words.I changed the look of the match box to show my theme.

‘Memories’ project midway self-assessment


Check that you have completed the followingYes/No
Project ProposalYes
Project PlannerYes
Reference listYes
What evidence of idea generation and contextual research do you have?
The research i have done is looking at different photography and painters and getting inspiration.
What evidence of primary research do you have?
I have done a photoshoot on location in Judy Woods
Which artist have you researched and how does this link to your own work and ideas?
Gary Turner-Photographer-This is a photographer that take photos of Judy Woods
Claude Monet-Painter-This artist uses vibrant colours which i like but it was not the pathway i was wanting to go down
Liza Dracup-Photographer-She does take photos of Judy woods but exposer ones.
How have you developed your ideas(which workshop have you accessed)so far?
I have done some darkroom work and i did a collage work and painting with light.
In what ways do you intend to develop your ideas further?
I intended to try do painting with light in the woods.As well as different techniques in darkroom
What work are you planning to do during the two-week Easter break?
Do more photoshoot at different times or the day and painting with light and some annotating.
What do you need help or guidance with?
I don’t believe i will need any help or guidance but if i need it i wont hesitate to ask.
Behaviours for learningDisengagedCoastingEngagedEnquiring
Highlight the box which you feel reflects the pace you are working at this weekSerious concerns exist about your approach inside and outside of the classroom.
It is vital to ensure that your attitude to learning changes.You are at risk of failing.
Concerns exist about your approach to learning.
You need to address your areas of weakness as you are not fulfilling your potential.
You are making progress.You are on the right track and are working well but you could take more responsibility for driving your own progressYour approach is excellent inside and outside the classroom.You should be proud of your attitude to learning and are on track to fulfil you potential.

Contact sheets: Photoshoot 3

I did a photoshoot when the sun was setting so some of the images background.When it started to get darker i get to do painting with light with help from my parents.I took some of these photos into the darkroom and layered them to see how they would come out they came out fine but after speaking with my peers they looked a little to depressing and creepy to use as my final piece.

Roxanne Worthington
Breath: Floral Photograms - Photographs and text by Roxanne Worthington |  LensCulture

Roxanne first a fine art photographer but once she started using darkroom and film she fell in love with the methods. The reason I chose to look at this artists is because of the nature theme and also because I like the darkroom approach to her work.

Photoshoot 4

This is a shoot i did so then i can have more to pic from for my final piece and seeing on witch way i was wanting to go down with the presenting of the image such as if i want my final piece to have colour or for it to be black and white.Toward the end i dabble in a bit of painting with light again.

Darkroom from Photoshoot 4

These are some dark room prints i used some photoshoot 4 in some of the photos above you can se i over lapped some of the photos and in others i just used normal techniques such as solarizing and painting with developer then solarizing.The darkroom print chemicals were disposed of correctly and not down a sink.

Final Outcome

Theses are the photos i have decided on using for my final piece line up i am wanting to use all three at a3 size on bulldog clips.I worked with levels a bit with these images other wise these are the images from the photoshoot.The reason on why i have decided on these three because i like how they look and because i wanted to try some thing different rather then the normal a1 that every one goes for i was wanting to go for three a3 and the reason on what i choose these photos is because the darkroom prints looked a bit depressing and creepy.