Walking onto the stage was okay because i sat down a few seconds later and adjusted the snare kit and hi-hat and waited for the band members to get ready to play. i think it could’ve been better but everyone was slightly nervous . for me everything was a bit cramped as the seat was inches away from the platform edge so i started getting a leg cramp towards the ending of the last song. i guess we played okay the good thing is we didn’t stop at any mistakes we did the intro and outro well and did well jumping into the next song. the sound was much better for me i adjusted the kit which helped me play better and it was more comfortable and enjoyable to play. I liked how we sounded here nearly every instrument is heard i personally think the bass could’ve been a bit louder as the drums over power it or maybe i should’ve played quieter that’s something i could’ve addressed at the mock. You could hear the mic making noises in 505. when the crash came in later on i could barely hear the singer and i decided to follow the guitarists to keep in time.
In my head the whole time during the performance was to just not mess up really but muscle memory kind of helped because after the first song i just knew when to come in and start so that was good. during the time playing eye contact was exchanged during this performance for a split second i think everyone was just trying to really focus on doing their parts correctly. the lighting was good it helped actually it blocked out the view on the audience for me so that way i guess i felt less nervous but i didnt really feel nervous at all i enjoyed the first two songs but had doubts on the final song as we did struggle on that one the most i was mostly worried about the delay problem coming back but that didnt happen so that’s really good and i was relived by the ned because i realised it went good so the last few moments were just enjoyable.