
This is project 2 thought this project we will be composing three songs song 1 is an original that is produced by our band. song 2 is an electronic music composition done on Ableton live and song 3 is going to be a video game soundtrack using Logic Pro.


  1. researching skills, i need to work on showing more evidence of how i improved on this could be with drum tutorials/covers of the songs i was practicing for and video footage of practices when i have recognised where improvement was needed which i will focus on doing in this new project.
  2. evaluating sills, i need to stretch my evaluations and write about more things rather than talking a lot about the same things over again.

practical skills: i would like to get better on drums i would also like to learn more techniques to make my drumming interesting maybe learning different drum patterns and fills and different genres. I would also like to learn the piano too.