For this workshop, we experimented with idea generation by designing a postcard. We were all told to be creative and think outside of the box but still have it relate to our theme. For my postcard, I experimented with ideas on a separate piece of paper, experimenting with drawing playground equipment, and leaves, and eventually, I got the idea to draw grass stains with the oil pastels I had. I mixed the green, yellow, and orange colours to create grass-stain-looking shapes and I think it turned out well.
I also added a swing onto it to create a story on the postcard. I based it on a memory I have from when I was younger. When I was younger, I would get covered in grass stains like a lot of other kids. How I got them was through jumping off the swing onto the grass whenever I would go to the park during weekends, so I wanted to represent those memories in this work.
I liked drawing this cause before this, I didn’t think to draw things like grass stains or even make a piece of art relating to specific memories that I have. I think I will do more of that in the future.