Here I wanted to experiment with the patterns I researched by creating them in various ways. I decided to try out using Lino since it’s a method I quite enjoy, and the results look great I figured that patterns would look nice, so I decided to experiment with Lino and patterns. I used various colours and used different kinds of paper as you can see below this paragraph to see which looked the best. I think that later on in the project I’m going to experiment with different ways of using lino to create interesting prints.

What I found was that I preferred the black background to the white because it helped the bright shapes stand out more, however, the white was still nice, so I might try using it with the patterns in the future. I also created some lino prints based on a drawing I did
I also created lino prints based on a drawing that I did. The drawing is based on a view from a train window since its based on the memories where I’d hop on a train with my dad whenever I was able to go and visit him. I’d stare out of the window and just daydream about anything and everything.

These 3 were the prints that I loved the most. They show the drawing the best since the lines are the most clear in these, and the prints aren’t as patchy as some of the others. My fav out of these 3 is the 1st since you can see the drawing the clearest. I love how the drawing turned out. My eye is drawn to the view outside of the train which was on purpose, since the drawings are based on a memory of me looking outside so I wanted those who look at the drawing to look outside first. The lines around the sun are great as well, they remind me of the swirls in Van Gogh’s paintings since they have swirls in the sky as well.

These were the ones that didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to look. I didn’t clean the lino before printing the first one so the green mixed with the blue, and the ink wasn’t thick enough so it went through the carved-out section of the lino and went onto the paper. The 2nd one ended up being way too patchy and while it does look like clouds, which is cool, it wasn’t what I wanted it to look like.
Next time I do a linocut, I’ll make sure that I remember to clean the linoleum and use the different inks that will print properly.

Here I wanted to experiment a bit, so I used holographic paper to print on. It turned out much better than I thought, the ink dried on it differently since it has a smooth surface, so it added texture to the drawing. However, it was extremely easy to smudge it while it was drying, leading to the thumbprint in the corner of the chair.