Here’s the photos of the jacket I designed for my final piece. I found the original jacket plain in a charity shop and then added everything onto it.
To paint the graffitied skull on the back, I first created a sketch in my book. This idea of a skull was inspired by a sketch I did earlier on in the project, so I used that as a reference when creating my template on paper. I then cut it out and traced it with black paint on the back so I knew where the outline for it was.

For the graffiti part of the skull, I first used acrylic paint to paint it, but I realised quickly it wasn’t bright enough for my liking, since I was going for a neon graffiti look. So, I used the fabric paints I have since those appear much brighter than the other paints I have.

For the front of the jacket, I first painted on the red border for the collar and used that as a rough guideline to place the screw on the spike studs I have on the collar of the jacket. I also placed 3 on each shoulder since I thought that would look cool. I couldn’t find the pins I needed, so I used some old ones, repainted them and pinned them on the front. I also found an old skull patch and sewed that onto the left side next to the drink tab chain I made.