Evaluation ✓

AO1  Apply an understanding of specialist industry practice to a creative project(approx 100 words)  
 What were the reasons for citing your project within your selected specialist context? What specialist considerations have you taken into account? What ethical considerations have you taken into account? What cultural considerations have you taken into account? What sustainability considerations have you taken into account?  
In this project, I have considered various methods and mediums that I could explore within my specialist practice. I have considered ethics since I’ve been reusing linoleum and paper whenever possible so little waste is left over that would get thrown away. I have also considered the mediums that I use that both relate to my specialist practice, ethics, and sustainability since one of the reasons I thought experimenting with digital art would be good was not just because I enjoyed the medium, but because there isn’t any waste that would get thrown away when you use digital mediums like digital art.   
AO2 Produce a selfinitiated project proposal (approx 100 words) 
 Explain your reasons for choosing a particular project subject/concept. Outline what you have learnt in relation to your chosen subject/concept. Have your original intentions changed or been modified?  If so, why? In what broader context/situation is your line of enquiry being situated, e.g., illustration, performance, product design, surface design etc.?  
I chose the theme nostalgia because it was something that everyone can relate to. It’s something we all experience, and I wanted to explore that experience. It also related to the client, since most of the people going into a hospice are visiting their loved ones, so they’ll be sharing old memories and being nostalgic with their loved ones. During this project, I’ve learned ways that nostalgia affects people, and the various things people find nostalgic. My intentions at the start were to focus on my memories and nostalgia, but I explored the nostalgia that others experience, which lead me down a different path during this project than I was planning.  
AO3 Use research to inform and direct a creative project (approx 100 words) 
 How have primary observations, experiments, initial material developments and technical engagement supported the developing understanding of your subject? How have other people’s ideas and working methods interested you? (secondary research; ethical, social, cultural etc) Explain how you think these ideas and methods have supported and nourished your development? 
I’ve used many things to help support the development of the project such as primary research, which was creating mind maps and mood boards for idea generation, as well as surveys. Plus, secondary research like researching online about nostalgia and researching artists that are relevant to my project. I also did some experimenting in workshops with various techniques, and explored techniques such as lino in various ways that I wouldn’t have done otherwise. Other people’s ideas have inspired this project greatly since my artist research and surveys influenced my project a lot. That’s because they gave me ideas to explore that I never considered.   
AO4 Use technical skills and materials associated with a specialist industry practice to realise a selfinitiated project (approx 100 words) 
 Reflect on all the specialist practical processes and skills you have explored, adapted and developed throughout your project. How appropriate were they to the development of your project? Which specialist processes and skills have you been interested in the most and why?  How effective have you been at mastering the techniques, processes and skills selected?  
Throughout the project, I explored various practical processes and skills like Photoshop skills that include both drawing in Photoshop as well as editing photos in Photoshop, since I edited the pictures of my final lino print pieces to make the background darker and to make the shapes more detailed. I also developed my drawing skills when drawing the flowers in this project and when drawing things during the workshops. These skills were appropriate to my project since they influenced my final pieces, especially the Photoshop and the Lino printing skills since those were the main ones I used.  
AO5 Resolve problems within a creative project (approx 100 words) 
 Reflect on those significant aspects of your work (failures and successes are of equal importance) that you have had to resolve in order to progress? How well have you adapted to unforeseen practical and technical problems?  What factors have influenced your ability to solve problems in the most effective and appropriate manner?   
Some things in this project didn’t go to plan which only helped me improve my ideas and work. Some things I experimented with didn’t work, like the plant stamps I created or the typography experiment from a workshop. However, I learned from those and used that knowledge to improve my project since I knew what worked and what didn’t. I also had some failures with my lino prints since I would roll too much ink on the linoleum and ruin my prints. However, I learned from that and started to use a separate sheet to test out the way the lino will look first before applying it to my paper.  
AO6 Use specialist practice visual language to communicate ideas and concepts (approx 100 words) 
 Explain your reasons for selecting the ideas and methods chosen for producing your final outcome(s). How do these outcomes relate to your audience?  
For my final pieces, I had several different ideas for creating them in ways with different looks. To decide how it would look, I took a print I already made and used it to test out my ideas on to it to see what looked best. From that, I knew that I wanted to combine my lino print and my digital art into three separate pieces. I decided I wanted 3 separate pieces because I liked the idea of having different colours for my final piece My piece related to my audience since I was largely inspired by 80’s geometric art patterns which from my survey, can make people from that time feel nostalgic.  
AO7 Use specialist practice presentation techniques to present ideas and outcomes (approx 100 words) 
 Explain your reasons for adopting the strategies you chose when presenting your project and final outcome(s). How appropriate are they to your developing professional practice? How effective have you been in communicating your ideas?  
When presenting my final piece, I’m going to be printing all 3 pieces off at A3 size and lining them up next to each over with the blue one on the left, the pink being in the middle and the yellow piece being on the right. I decided to make the pieces all A3 since I have 3 to present so I didn’t want them to be too large or blurry. I chose this order since the pink one has white lines on it while the other two don’t, so I want to centre that one since it’s slightly different. Plus, the circles in the pink and blue slightly line up which makes the prints look better.  
AO8 Apply reflective practice to a creative project (approx 100 words) 
 Identify the aims and objectives that you were interested in developing when you started your final project. How effective have you been in reflecting on your developing work and progress against these targets?  
Most of the objectives that I had at the beginning of the project I completed throughout the project. I planned on experimenting with lino, and digital art, which I did. I also created some repeating patterns using photography. However, at the beginning of the project, I was interested in experimenting and developing photography and darkroom more, since my grandad was interested in those when he was younger. I did experiment with light photography, which was interesting, but I, unfortunately, didn’t have time to experiment with darkroom. If I planned my time out a bit better, I would’ve tried to include it, even if I didn’t experiment with it further.