
For this project, I started by exploring the theme of music and the cultures within it. Then, I decided to narrow it down and focus on Punk and having that be my theme instead of music since music is very broad and I wanted something more specific. So, I chose punk since it has a variety of different things I could explore and ideas I could experiment with, and because it’s a topic I find interesting as well as music since I have an interest in that kind of style of music.

For my artists, I’ve decided to research Shamira, a digital artist inspired by punk styles and beliefs as well as Vivianne Westwood, a famous fashion designer who helped the punk scene become what it is today. Shamira’s art style is bold black and white art that use line and shape to stand out. It especially stands out since the line art is white with a black background, which is different than most black and white art since most has black outlines with a white background. I also want to experiment with digital art more, which is why I’ve chosen to research a digital artist. 

I’ve started researching the theme of punk as well as other things that are related to my themes such as graffiti and punk clothing styles. I’ve made some mood boards which have helped inspire me with ideas of what to create using the different mediums I plan to experiment with. 

Throughout this project, I’m hoping to explore various mediums such as fabric painting, screen printing, lino printing and digital art. While I am not too sure what I want my final piece to look like, am hoping to do something either digital or 3D since I think with my theme a 3D piece would be interesting to do.