Self Portrait

Self Portrait Photocard

To me, these images depict who I am, and the kind of person I tend to be. The guitar and cigarettes are how I view myself as a creative and spiritual person, the music and symphonies from the guitar and the smoke from the cigs bind together to develop “Me”.
I used these references because I am a devoted musician and I feel like music is what describes me best. I also rely on nicotine as a source of comfort so these two work perfectly together.

I view photography as a backup to my main inspiration, Music. Both influence me as a creative producer and inspire ideas. I feel like photography will help with my future aspirations of becoming a musician because it is a key part of a lot of things such as album covers, promotions and social media.

I mixed the two things together (guitar and cigs) because both reflect my aspirations to become a musician; the guitar is the music, and the cigs are part of the aspect of my photography. They blend well and work as corresponding objects.

I feel like I can work on the lighting and placements of objects used in my photography better and also try using filters or photoshop to make my work more unique and interesting to the eye.