Film Music Composition

For my film music composition, I’ve focused on the main themes and composed multiple different music scores to go along with each scene.

After missing a few lessons and main aspects, I feel as though my work is limited. However, I have composed to the best of my ability and I feel as though the work done is to my standards.

For my first composition, I have mainly focused on using piano and guitar as my base melody and thrown in some bass to add more depth to the score. I added some strings so that it could add more texture to the score and added a cello at the end to give an abrupt finish.

For my first composition, I don’t think I did too well because it’s a bit rusty and some notes are out of place or tune and they don’t sound as good as they could. I have the general idea of the music I want to compose, however, I can’t exactly conduct it properly on Logic. I feel with more practice, I could improve my skills of composing music.

For the second piece of film music, I used synthesisers, piano and strings to create a solemn tune for the score. i combined the strings with the piano because they worked together smoothly and created a sadder and darker theme. I conducted the score by using simple notes and kind of randomly pressed things to see how well they would work together.

For my second composition, I don’t think i did that bad and kept is basic and simple, it sounds alright but I feel if I tried enough I could make the music sound better and more appealing.