
Health and safety in studios :

Most studios are very tidy and organised and equipment is put away when not in use to prevent accidents. Walkways are cleared so moving around the spaces should be easier and everything is stored in places that will not affect the recorders progress.

People working in studios are informed to bring any food or drink into studio and if they do its to stay away from equipment or anything electrical or nonwaterproof. Mic stands are double checked to make sure they’re stable and will not fall or move during recording, equipment is checked to make sure everything is running smoothly and will not affect the music being recorded in any way.

Risk assessments are necessary to take before any work to make sure you indetify any hazards or anything that could affect the work you’re going to be doing. Always check electrical equipment and ensure the area is safe to work in.

Evaluation :

The recording process was difficult but after 4 tries, we managed to record the vocals for the song snake eyes. We had some equipment issues but after a risk assessment and a few updates and check on some of the technical requirements, we went on with recording and after an hour and a half the song had been fully done and produced. I think it was a confusing experience but I loved the end result and it was a lot better than I had expected it to be.