Whole Truth


Once i had recorded the parts and it was 100% complete instrumental wise I then started to mix it. With this cover it needed way more mixing and attention compared to the last 2 covers. When it came to the bass though it really didn’t need mixing that much because of the quality of the recording and the sound so all i did to the bass was putting side chain compression on it which would allow the kick drum to cut through the mix a bit better without affecting the bass’s tone.

Electric Guitar

Once I finished mixing the bass, I started on the electric guitar which also had minimal mixing because I was already happy with it so all i did with it was add some wah to a specific part that needed it. When listening to the song before recording it i noticed this part and i researched but i didn’t have a clue on how this sound was recorded so i just used my ears to get it as close as possible and wah made it sound closer so i added a digital pedalboard with two wah pedals on it and also a preset of wah which made it way too fuzzy at first but after some messing around with it, I got a sound which was as close as i was gonna get with the equipment and tools i had. When i got a sound i liked i just automated it to the section that needed it.


When it came to mixing the drums this took the bulk of time mixing this song because it needed more attention. So i started off by adding channel EQ to the whole of the kit. For the kick drum I started of by cutting any low-end rumble using a high pass filter with +12 dB of 50 Hz. Then I boosted some low-end frequency with +13.5 dB of 90 Hz. Then I cut any mud in the low-mids with -7.5 dB of 250 Hz. Then I cut any boxiness in the mids with -7 dB of 750 Hz. Then I Boosted the high-end with +5 dB of 2500 Hz to add some attack to the kick. For the snare drum I started of by cutting any low-end rumble using a high pass filter with +12 dB of 100 Hz. Then I boosted some low-end frequency with +7.5 dB of 200 Hz. Then I cut any mud in the low-mids with -5 dB of 400 Hz. Then I boosted the high-end with +5 dB of 4120 Hz. Then I boosted a high shelf with +4 of 8000 Hz. For the toms I started of by cutting any low-end rumble using a high pass filter with +12 dB of 50 Hz. Then I boosted some low-end frequency with +9 dB of 200 Hz. Then I cut any mud in the low-mids with -5 dB of 250 Hz. Then I cut any boxiness in the mids with -5 dB of 700 Hz. Then I Boosted the high-end with +1.5 dB of 3000 Hz to add some attack to the toms. For the overheads I started of by cutting any low-end rumble using a high pass filter with +12 dB of 300 Hz. Then I cut any mud in the low-mids with -2 dB of 250 Hz. Then I cut any boxiness in the mids with -5 dB of 600 Hz. Then I boosted a high shelf with +2 dB of 8000 Hz. to add some sparkle and glimmer to the cymbals. Once i added EQ to the drums, I used my panning technique (which i love) by leaving the kick in the middle, moving the snare left by 32, moving the hi-tom left by 16, moving the low-tom right by 32, moving the left overhead left by 64 and moving the right overhead right by 64. Once i mixed the drum parts and was happy with it, I sorted the volumes out so it had a nice balance and nothing was clipping or too quiet and then bounced it and released it.