Whole Truth

Bass Guitar

After i fully completed my second cover The End Of All Things i moved on to my third and final cover Whole Truth. Once i had listened and learned all the songs parts (excluding the drum parts which is why i started to record bass first) i made a start on recording the bass. to record the bass i could’ve either mic’d the bass amp, DI’d the bass or send the bass amp straight into the mixing desk which is what i did because you get better quality sound and it is also just way more simpler and is more favourite way of recording bass especially with a fender rumble which is my favourite bass amp. i then sorted out my bass tone settings and once levels were set and everything was ready i started to record the bass part. i used a squire precision bass to record with which are my favourite type of bass which is why i was really happy with my overall sound and for the equipment available this was by far the best i could’ve got it sounding and was more that satisfied with the sound. I then started to record my bass which i did in a few takes with no issues.

Electric Guitar

Once i had recorded the bass part i moved on to the guitar parts. Using a Shure SM57 and a Groove Tube GT55 i mic’d up a Fender Champion 100 with my heavier crunch tone settings to get the sound i wanted and needed. I placed the Shure SM57 3″ away from the end of the cone which gave some low-end. I then placed the Groove Tube GT55 3″ away from the centre of the speaker which gave it its main volume sound and gave all mids and hi-end but I had to use a Epiphone Les Paul custom to record the song’s first part because both Ibanez that i wanted to use were broke but it wasn’t the end of the world because they at least had humbuckers. Once it was all set up and gain levels were set i started to record the guitar part. I did it by recording the verse separately so the last note would ring out a bit over the start of the pre chorus and overall made it sound cleaner and less rushed. Once i completed the first guitar part in a couple of takes i moved on the the final guitar part which was a small section between the bridge and chorus which was different tone and sound wise to the rest of the song. I did research on how that sound was made and created but I couldn’t find out how Simon from Don Broco did it so i had to use my ears and get it as close as possible so i changed the tone so it still sounded like the rest of the song but was more sensitive and hollow. Then I changed guitar to a random semi hollow body that i found to get even closer to the sound and all I was missing was the sound of the strings being strum so i played it next to the mics that were recording the amp to pick up the guitar pick strumming the string to overall get quite close to the actual sound of that specific section.


Once I finished all the guitar parts I moved onto drums and the reason I did drums last because while I was recording the bass and guitar parts, I was still learning the and rehearsing the drum parts so when I got to recording them I did it as quick as possible. I used a fairly common micing technique using a AKG d112 for the bass drum. I placed the AKG d112 1″ away from the whole in the head which gives it a powerful and overall great sound personally. Then I used a Shure SM57 for the snare. I placed the Shure SM57 1.5″ above the head and 2″ inside the rim while aiming it around the centre of the snare which overall gives it a really nice warm sound which I love on a snare. The I used 3 low profile clip on AKG d440 for all the toms . I placed the AKG d440’s on the rim and aimed the to the centre of the toms which overall gave them good sound with some air with it which made them sound a bit tighter. Finally I used 2 AT4041SP’s for the overheads. I placed one AT4041SP’s around 4 feet away from the snare and another AT4041SP’s around 3 feet away from the floor tom making sure both microphones were equidistant from the snare to make sure they were not out of sync which overall gave the cymbals I nice brightness and a good amount of air so make them sound more theatrical and powerful. The drums i used were from Tama and the cymbals i used were from Zildjan which are my favourite brand of drums and cymbals. Once the drums were mic’d up and the gain levels were set i started to record the drum part which i did in 1 or 2 takes which i was really happy with.


Once i recorded the main stuff all i needed to record was a bit of percussion for the tiny section between the bridge and chorus which was claps and because I recorded this on my own i recorded 5 different claps and started from the left side of the mic and moved one step to the right after every section of claps.  I used a s’Es Titan to record me clapping because its overall a very good mic and is also a very good room mic which made the claps sound even better.