The End Of All Things


Once i had recorded the parts and it was 100% complete instrumental wise I then started to mix it. With this cover i was literally gonna do no mixing to this whatsoever because i already had everything i needed from the Nord anyways but i discovered a small issue with my recordings. For some reason i had this hissing sound coming from my recorded parts which was strange and i originally thought that it was coming from the speaker but it was actually due to the DI box and because i really didn’t have enough time to record all the parts again after i spent so much time on them, i just had to mix it to get rid of as much unwanted noise as possible. So i used a gain reduction to get rid of as much hissing as possible so i messed around with it and eventually did -5.0 dBs which got rid of enough hissing without quietening the actual sound of Nord recordings too much and was way happier with it than before even though it wasn’t perfect.


Once i mixed the piano parts i started to mix the violin parts which i started off by adding the same amount of gain reduction to get rid of enough hissing without quietening the actual sound. Once i did that the ending for the violins needed fading out so i automated that so the piano and violins both faded out at perfect volumes. Once i mixed the violin parts and was happy with it, I sorted the volumes out so it had a nice balance and nothing was clipping or too quiet and then bounced it and released it.