The End Of All Things


After i fully completed my first cover 99 i moved on to my second cover The End Of All Things. Once i had learned and listened to all the individual parts I started to record the piano parts. For the piano sound i could’ve either mic’d up a real piano, Used a MIDI keyboard or used a standard keyboard and i really love the sounds of Nord and they’re my favourite keyboards so i decided to do that. To record the piano, I DI’d a Nord Electro 6 D and chose the piano sound i wanted and added some reverb and once i was happy with the tone and it was set up and gain levels were set i started to record the piano parts. I play multiple instruments but i struggle with piano/keyboard way more than anything else so instead of trying to play the whole part all together which i could do but would take me a while to get it perfect, i split them up in to 3 parts so it only took me around one or 2 takes per part.


Once i had recorded the piano parts i needed to record the violin parts and did so using the same keyboard because it has a variety of really good quality sounds for all types of instruments. Learning the violin parts was way harder than the piano ones because they were way quieter than everything else so it took me a while to learn them but once i learned them it was fine. Once i had the violin sound i wanted and added the same reverb that was on the piano and gain levels were set i started to record them. There was around 4 violin parts to this song but i did all of them in 1 take as they were quite simple.