Rehearsal Log

What was successful (Me) ?

I think that i played the chords well and every individual note. Also the way i played the chords was good as it had great dynamics and tone.

What was unsuccessful (Me) ?

I think the guitar tone wasn’t very good. Also the transitions from verses and pre choruses were not as smooth as they should be.

What could i improve on (Me) ?

I think i could improve the guitar tone by adding some effects on it. Also practise the the structure of the song and knowing when to smoothly transition from one part to another.

What was successful (Group) ?

I think we all new our parts pretty well and to say it was our 1st time playing together it was pretty decent.

What was unsuccessful (Group) ?

I think the transitions from verses and pre choruses were not as smooth as they should be and some people struggled with their parts.

What could we improve on (Group) ?

I think we can improve on the transitions from 1 section to another by moving into to them a lot smoother and also just keep practicing it together.

What was successful (Me) ?

I think I played my chords and leads well and the dynamics were good and I had a nice clean tone and added new riffs that were different to the 1st version.

What was unsuccessful (Me) ?

I think that I didn’t play the chorus as tightly as I should’ve.

What could i improve on (Me) ?

I think that I need to improve and practice the chorus lead riff.

What was successful (Group) ?

What was unsuccessful (Group) ?

What could we improve on (Group) ?

What was successful (Me) ?

What was unsuccessful (Me) ?

What could i improve on (Me) ?

What was successful (Group) ?

What was unsuccessful (Group) ?

What could we improve on (Group) ?

What was successful (Me) ?

What was unsuccessful (Me) ?

What could i improve on (Me) ?

What was successful (Group) ?

What was unsuccessful (Group) ?

What could we improve on (Group) ?

What was successful (Me) ?

What was unsuccessful (Me) ?

What could i improve on (Me) ?

What was successful (Group) ?

What was unsuccessful (Group) ?

What could we improve on (Group) ?

What was successful (Me) ?

What was unsuccessful (Me) ?

What could i improve on (Me) ?

What was successful (Group) ?

What was unsuccessful (Group) ?

What could we improve on (Group) ?

What was successful (Me) ?

What was unsuccessful (Me) ?

What could i improve on (Me) ?

What was successful (Group) ?

What was unsuccessful (Group) ?

What could we improve on (Group) ?