Performance Log

What was successful (Me)

I think I played my part very well with very little mistakes and played it very cleanly and with very good confidence and also had a great distortion tone which personally added that bit of power to a softer group.

What was unsuccessful (Me)

I think that the volume of my guitar wasn’t loud enough so i didn’t stand out as much as everyone else.

What could I improve on (Me)

I think i could spend more time on setting up my tone and volumes so i can get the best sound possible.

What was successful ? (Group)

I think that we all played it well to say it was our first performance and everyone knew their part and didn’t make too many mistakes.

What was unsuccessful (Group)

I think the dynamics and volume were the main fault as some instruments were drowned out by other instruments.

What could we improve on (Group)

I think some people could be a bit more confident and the volumes and dynamics could be more balanced.

What was successful ? (Me)

I think i played it very well and had a very nice clean and distorted tone and the dynamics and volume had a nice balance.

What was unsuccessful ? (Me)

I think on californication during the verses i didn’t play them as cleanly as i wanted to but i thought the rest was good.

What could I improve on ? (Me)

I think next time I could make sure i played the verses to californication more tightly and make sure I hit every note when i need to.

What was successful ? (Group)

I think that we all played our parts 99% well and the transitions from one section to another were smooth and we all had nice tones.

What was unsuccessful ? (Group)

I think that Oliver played way to soft so its hard to hear him compared to the rest of us.

What could we improve on ? (Group)

I think that we just need to fine tune everything to make sure that all are parts are perfect and Oliver needs to play a bit harder so he stands out more.

What was successful ? (Me)

I think i played it very well and had a very nice clean and distorted tone and the dynamics and volume had a nice balance.

What was unsuccessful ? (Me)

I think on californication during the verses i didn’t play them as cleanly as i wanted to but i thought the rest was good.

What could I improve on ? (Me)

I think next time I could make sure i played the verses to californication more tightly and make sure I hit every note when i need to.

What was successful ? (Group)

I think that we were very good on Valarie and Locked out of heaven and we all played our parts near enough perfect.

What was unsuccessful ? (Group)

I think that the pre choruses were not very good because everyone but me didn’t know when to transition from the pre chorus to the chorus and the singer wasn’t very good and didn’t know the song well.

What could we improve on ? (Group)

I think everyone could be more familiar with their parts on californication and have a singer who actually knows the song and that can sing the right notes.

What was successful ? (Me)

I think i played my parts perfectly and had a very nice clean and distorted tone and the dynamics and volume had a nice balance.

What was unsuccessful ? (Me)

I don’t think there was anything unsuccessful with my performance as I did my part perfectly and it sounded very good.

What could i improve on ? (Me)

I don’t think there is anything I needed to improve on as I did my part perfectly and it sounded very good.

What was successful ? (Group)

I thought we all played our parts pretty much perfectly and it was on time and it sounded very good and we made a massive improvement on californication and it sounded perfect.

What was unsuccessful ? (Group)

I think that there were very minor mistakes from some people which didn’t really matter because nobody noticed and everyone enjoyed the performance.

What could we improve on ? (Group)

I think we needed to tweak very minor errors to make it 100% perfect but other than that there’s no other improvements needed.