
I started off by panning the overheads and adding some EQ to the kick drum. I also put a noise gate on the rack toms, the floor tom and the kick drum to pick up any spill and clean it up to get a more clear sound as well as doing the volumes.

I then put an amp on the bass so it had a great tone and did the volume

I then panned the lead guitar tracks and put a bit of EQ on the rhythm and 2 lead tracks. Then I put an amp on the guitar tracks to add some crunch to the rhythm and 1 lead track and then enhanced the clean tone on another lead track as well as doing the volumes.

Then I put some compression on the vocals to even the dynamics out between the verse and chorus and added some EQ .I also added some reverb to make the vocals sound better and did the volumes.

Finally I did the final and master volume and then bounced it and made sure that everything wasn’t muted and there was no click and it wasn’t distorted.

I started off by panning the overheads and adding some EQ to the right overhead and the hi hat as well as doing the volumes.

I then put an amp on the bass so it had a great tone and did the volume.

I then panned the rhythm and lead tracks as well as doing the volumes.

I didn’t do much to the piano and keyboard track apart from the volumes.

Then I put some compression on the vocal and vocal harmonies to even the dynamics out between the verse and chorus. I also added some reverb to make the vocal and vocal harmonies sound better and did the volumes.

Finally I did the final and master volume and then bounced it and made sure that everything wasn’t muted and there was no click and it wasn’t distorted.