Amplified Mock Performance

What was successful?

I thought that we all sounded great tone wise and we all played our individual parts well and overall it sounded decent. I thought hall of fame, air catcher and feeling good went decent. Also the crowd enjoyed it so thats also something else that went well.

What was unsuccessful?

I thought some people didn’t know when to go into different sections so the whole performance wasn’t quite as smooth as it could be. Also the ending of adventure of a lifetime didn’t go that well since we learned it different multiple times so it was all very confusing for us all. Also at the start for hall of fame, the piano didn’t work which wasn’t ideal.

How could we improve?

I think people could listen to the songs and rehearse them multiple times so when it come to playing or practising it can go smoothly and we can save time as well as the main thing of stopping people making mistakes during the set. Also listen to the ending of adventure of a lifetime and learn it together so we are all in sync. Also just make sure instruments are working and in tune ect ahead of time so soon as we play everything goes smoothly.