Amplified Final Performance

What was successful?

I thought overall it sounded amazing with very few mistakes and a strong performance from everybody. I thought tone wise we all sounded very good for all 4 songs and also adventure of a lifetime went miles better compared to the mock performance one as the was little to no mistakes at all and the whole song went smoothly and everyone knew their parts this time around. Lastly I thought one of the most important things that went really well was that the crowd really enjoyed our set as they also got involved in the song by singing along which made the whole performance that much better.

What was unsuccessful?

I thought that the wasn’t really anything substantial that went wrong. I believe there was only little tiny things that would’ve made it a little bit better by people playing it 100% correctly as well as people being a bit more confident but other than that there wasn’t really anything that went unsuccessful

How could we improve?

I think that people can learn and rehearse more before hand so when it come to the main performance it is even more solid that it already was. Also just keep repeating and practising parts that people are stuck on and unsure with so it becomes muscle memory and that will make people more confident.